Recent content by drisconsult

  1. D

    Forms problem

    I would like to be frank with all of you. You are undoutabely all at the top of your VBA game, which is why I use the Forum. But I am not. I am at the top of my game, which is the psychology of teaching practice. I am 87 years and retired in the year 2003. I had previously spent 10 years as a...
  2. D

    Forms problem

    This is how I launch a subject for Data Entry.
  3. D

    Forms problem

    I am including a copy of a Query. What am I doing wrong?
  4. D

    Forms problem

    In reply to the Zip suggestion. Zipping PDF files as always been a non-starter for me. However I have not turned the two pages into three pages. I will update the files and then continue. I have been successful. A student of mine who I met in 1998, is now running a school in western Uganda...
  5. D

    Upload PDF files

    No. Thank you will do.
  6. D

    Upload PDF files

    I am having trouble upoading two PDF files to support my problem. They are 650kb and 680kb respectively. However the system has rejeccted them as being too large. How can I over come this problem?
  7. D

    Talking to ChatGBT

    I think you missed the point. I have already resolved the issue. I was simply finding out how ChatGBT would resolve it, The fact that my Report has the correct answer should surely tell you something. If it is correct, I must be doing something right. Or do you want me to show you the expressions?
  8. D

    Talking to ChatGBT

    I resolved this averaging issue 20 years ago with three simple expressions. Example below.
  9. D

    Talking to ChatGBT

    I have just ended a discussion with ChatGBT. I asked the following question to see the what the response would be. This was my question. I have just completed a School Management Database. The problem I am having trouble with is the following: There is a class of thirty students who have taken...
  10. D

    Problems with a Report

    Hello I thought you might like to see the Print Preview solution. I did try to upload the whole manual, but it is 240 pages and that was not possible. Please remember that I am addressing teachers' in countries where the digital age regarding IT has not yet reached a stage where it can impact on...
  11. D

    Problems with a Report

    Just to let you know that I have resolved my Report problem by using an older version and then modifying it. Included is a screenshot of the Report. Why am I using this version instead of the Microsoft version? I found it impossible to upload a PNG file using that version.
  12. D

    Problems with a Report

    Which I have done to no avail. What next?
  13. D

    Problems with a Report

    My problems can be understood much better through the PDF I am sending, than trying to describe the problem. Would it be possible for someone from the UK to respond to this query as it requires an understanding of the UK education system.
  14. D

    When one comes up against the woman from across the pond and slags me off, it gives impetus to...

    When one comes up against the woman from across the pond and slags me off, it gives impetus to the abused person. So I knckled down and have resolved the problem myself. Goodbye all.
  15. D


    I am trying to find a way to leave this Forum. I no longer wish to be insulted by a gentleman from across the pond who when he has never heard of something, castigates the viewer. So how do I leave?
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