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  1. H

    Covid blood clots - did you know?

    I had two pulmonary emboli. These didn't kill me and after all the hospital treatment I am now on a maintenance dose of an anticoagulant. I will not be taking the vaccines and I hope that my anticoagulant will protect me.
  2. H

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    It is the same here in the UK. There are only about 5 MP's that have the guts to say what most of us are thinking.
  3. H

    And the UK has a world champion again...

    My dad used to box. He used to fight at the Blackfriar's ring. He always used to say that our boxers in the USA needed to knock them out to get a draw.
  4. H

    360 Total security

    I went to an expert computer man and had my machine completely renovated. I cost a bit but it is just like new. Thanks everybody for trying to help.
  5. H

    360 Total security

    If I go into settings/ virus I find that 360Total Security has taken over and is turned on, and I have no control over it.
  6. H

    360 Total security

    I tried to uninstall the normal way but the icon is on the task bar and will not go no matter what I do. Pop ups appear every time I start my machine.
  7. H

    360 Total security

    My machine has recently been contaminated with 360 Total Security. I uninstalled it since when It has appeared as a popup. I tried the spyhunter 5 free version but it didn't work. Has anyone got a cure? bearing in mind I am a novice with computers.
  8. H

    Estimating the age of the Universe, and getting it all wrong

    I find the lectures on youtube fascinating. I don't pretend to understand it all, but the facts and figures are mind-blowing.
  9. H

    We Need Nuclear...

    Surely there must be a point in space not too far from earth that gravity will eventually take anything to the sun. I can't do the math, but I bet there are people that can.
  10. H

    We Need Nuclear...

    I have always thought that nuclear power was the best. It is clean, and if the power stations are built correctly, safe. Getting rid of the waste is a problem, but if it can be done cheaply, why not shoot it into the sun?
  11. H

    Fake arrests

    Perhaps she shouldn't read this forum.
  12. H

    Fake arrests

    Read the preamble to the thread. Bitch is quite mild.
  13. H

    What's your best/worst joke?

    Yes that sounds like me.
  14. H

    Another measurement significantly improved!

    Was that Sheldon Cooper?
  15. H

    What will be on your grave stone?

    Spike Milligan has on his gravestone "I told you I was ill"
  16. H

    The Covid cure has arrived!

    I'm too old to change my ways. I am not worried by cancel culture as I haven't anything to cancel, so I shall go on being a racist and bigot, mainly to horrify woke idiots.
  17. H

    Books: A Portal into A Different World

    Brother surgeons.
  18. H

    Tried 11 yet

    My desktop is not able to upgrade to 11 but my new laptop is OK and I updated it some time ago. Getting my desktop up to 11 is going to be a bit expensive, so I am hanging fire at the moment.
  19. H


    I am quite happy to admit that I am a racist. What happens now?
  20. H

    Muslims Rioting in Sweden

    As an atheist I couldn't care less which "holy" book was burned. I don't think there is a book for my beliefs.
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