A fully searchable UK Postcode database (1 Viewer)

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Local time
Today, 09:56
Jan 14, 2017
Attached is a fully searchable database of all current UK postcodes.
This provides more info than you'll ever need to know about each postcode together with a map of the location (from Google maps)


ONLY the frontend database is attached - save this to a TRUSTED location.

Next download the backend postcode datafile:
There are around 2.5 million UK postcodes so the backend postcode datafile is VERY large.
It is freely available at www.doogal.co.uk and is frequently updated.
You will need to download this datafile yourself (as a zipped MDB file) as it is FAR too big to upload here.
The file size is approx 93 MB zipped & 950 MB unzipped

Unzip the file into the same folder as this frontend.

Hold the SHIFT key down while you open the front end
Relink the table 'Postcodes' to the backend datafile
Close & reopen the frontend normally..
The main form opens automatically

I have used the Google Maps API for this database.

The 'static' postcode map is created instantly (unless your broadband connection is very slow) as an image file Map.bmp in the same folder

I have provided a settings form where you can customise the map created
e.g. map size, zoom level, marker colour etc

For further info, see this link:

You should obtain your own API key from this site
The API is free up to a limit of 25,000 map loads per 24 hours and with a 640 x 640 maximum image resolution (both should be more than enough here).

Another version of the main searchable postcode form is also provided if you wish to try it.
This allows you to view the location on a 'live' map so that you can move around on the map.
Choose from using an internal web browser window or an external browser

In the past, Multimap was excellent for this purpose but it no longer exists.
I have tested several options for the live map: Bing / Google / Michelin / Open Street Map with varying results.

Choose the map provider that works best for you
Overall, I found Open Street Map by far the best and its open source software.



To update the data at a later date, just replace the backend database with a new version from the website

UPDATE 13/08/2017
The database expects to find a file called Map.bmp in the same folder.
If its missing you wil get an error message.
Either create a file with that name or download the attached (zipped) example

FURTHER UPDATE: 29/10/2017
The Postcodes MDB file from www.doogal.co.uk has recently been updated and for some reason the field GridRef has been renamed as Grid Ref (with a space). After downloading the file please rename the field removing the space or you will get an error when used with my UKAF db.
Many thanks to Gasman for informing me of this today


  • Form.PNG
    99.3 KB · Views: 4,405
  • OnlineMap.jpg
    88.2 KB · Views: 3,623
  • MapProviders.PNG
    15.2 KB · Views: 3,510
  • UKPostcodeInfo.zip
    117.3 KB · Views: 1,074
  • Map.zip
    21.5 KB · Views: 1,048
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Thank you Ridders , for posting the searchable postcode db. It provides plenty of information , but not a road name. I known larger roads are named on the map but not the small ones .

Thank again

Regards Ypma

It contains all the information contained in the online postcode database.
Road names are not included in that so aren't in mine. Nor are house names/numbers for the same reason.

However if you use the settings form to increase the zoom on the map from default value 15 to 17 you should be able to see all street names on the map.
Or use the ALT version of the form which uses an online map instead.

You can obtain full address information separately for individual postcodes online.
However if you want street names and possibly house names for all postcodes you have to pay for the data
See this thread for more info https://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=295235

I'm considering creating a 'deluxe' version of this database to include that data for various postcodes ... if there is a demand for it.
However I would have to charge for it to cover both my development time and costs of downloading the data.
If you are interested in this idea, please send me a private message
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Further to my previous comments, the owner of the doogal.co.uk site (Chris Bell) which provides the postcode data has agreed to make 2 changes:

1. Data is now available in ACCDB or MDB formats - use whichever you prefer
2. He has now removed spaces and special characters from all field names

I've therefore updated the database to match the amended field names.
I've also added 2 new fields supplied with this update.

There is no other change to the functionality in this version (2.01)

Reminder - download the data from https://www.doogal.co.uk/ukpostcodes.php


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