Show number of customers per zip code on a map (1 Viewer)

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Today, 03:58
Apr 25, 2019
Is it possible in Access to create a Form or Report that will show a map (like Google Maps) that shows our 4 Retail Store Locations and then all the Zip Codes around the store and the number of Customers that have addresses in each Zip Code? This may be too complicated for Access? thanks!
Just thinking out loud, but I don't see why not by using REST API through Google or Bing Maps. Have you looked into that?
I have not yet,. but thanks for the idea. I have lots of experience with VBA and Access in general, but none with APIs. Do you have any resources you could point me to? thansk!
I have not yet,. but thanks for the idea. I have lots of experience with VBA and Access in general, but none with APIs. Do you have any resources you could point me to? thansk!
There have been some discussions here with regards to using REST APIs. Try to do a quick search. I'll see if I can find a link for you too.
I have not yet,. but thanks for the idea. I have lots of experience with VBA and Access in general, but none with APIs. Do you have any resources you could point me to? thansk!
Colin Riddington (Mendip Data Systems), Access MVP 2022-2023, Website is probably your best point of contact as he has
covered this extensively.
This should be easy to do as long as you know the geo-coordinates of each zip code.
You would then add a marker layer at each zip code position with the number of customers
The only problem is that each marker can only have a single character so you may need to show a table with the number alongside the map.

See my article
If your in the U.S., check the U.S.P.S. website. They have a bunch of API's.

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