ac97 ac2003 question (1 Viewer)



can you install access 97 on a machine that already has office/access 2003 installed on it. are there any things that need to be done to install it safely?


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:14
Feb 19, 2002
There is an article in the Microsoft kb that talks about installing multiple versions of Access. I don't have a link so you'll have to search for it. In general though, if you already have a newer version of Office installed you'll need to uninstall it since the oldest version needs to be installed first. I think A97 and A2003 can coexist. I know that AXP and A2003 cannot.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:14
Dec 5, 2000
Hello Pat,

I was wondering what do you meant saying that AXP and A2003 can't coexist. I have them both on my machine (XP installed first) and haven't noticed a problem with either of them. I always open the version of access i want to use and then open the database, otherwise the database tries to open in the last version i had opened, not necessarily the right version for the database.

Is something happening that i'm not aware of?


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:14
Feb 19, 2002
I ran into several things. The biggest problem with Access was the linked tables manager wouldn't work. I don't remember now if it was one or both versions that were affected. Actually the biggest problem was with Outlook. No matter which version you opened, it would go into a tight loop of opening and closing.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:14
Dec 5, 2000
Thanks Pat,

The linked table manager doesn't work on my access 2003, annoying, but i just remove and relink the tables each time. I'm not having any noticeable effects with outlook.

If i remove access xp, and only use 2003, are xp/2000 systems created and maintained on 2003 still fine on xp and 2000 versions?

I just assumed it would be like 97, and once you'd upgraded it you couldn't go back.



Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:14
Jun 8, 2002
The linked table manager doesn't work on my access 2003
I had a simular problem with Access 97 and Access 2003 installed on the same PC but the KB article 835519 did not work for me. I had to copy the Office 2003 accwiz.dll from the Office11 directory and replace it with the Access 2003 accwiz.dll file in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\ directory. Then I had to register it with this command...

regsvr32.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\accwiz.dll"

The location of the "accwiz.dll" file for Access 97 was C:\WINDOWS\system32\accwiz.dll
The location of the "accwiz.dll" file for Access 2003 was C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\accwiz.dll

I had installed Office 97 first then I installed Office 2003. Maybe this will benefit somebody else one day.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:14
Feb 19, 2002
I just assumed it would be like 97, and once you'd upgraded it you couldn't go back.
You can keep your .mdb's in A2K format and as long as you don't use any functions, properties, or methods not available in A2K, you can get the benefit of working with A2003 in design view and still delivering A2K .mdb's for your users.

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