Access 2003 on Office 2000 woes (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:46
Sep 25, 2002
Hi friendly people :)

I am running Access 2003 and office 2000 on an XP install and am encountering the following errors..

"Security warning: Unsafe expressions are not blocked" which prompted me to install new MS updates - which I did. NO use. I still get the error when I open any Access DB

If I bypass that error I get another error "The file may not be safe if it contains code that was intended to harm your computer..."

In vain I tried to isolate the problem and import the tables and queries I desperately need into a new blank Access DB ...

In doing this I got two errors - 1 - Disk or network error and 2 - Invalid database object reference -- in that order.

This whole problem began when I was unable to run any typw of date parameter other than a [pBegindate] to [penddate] function.

At that point my IT people took over and reinstalled Access and office upgrading it to its current non-functional configuration.

I have a feeling this is a missing reference but have no code in any front end DB to test that theory on...any ideas..

BTW - if I cannot fix this I cannot work which means I cannot make any money today --I will make a donation to the Access gods in the honor of the person who helps me resolve this!

Thanks much!

K :p


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:46
Mar 25, 2003
That opening message is a bit of a bummer and threw me a bit.
I seem to recall the answer is to say Yes you do want to block unsafe stuff. You then have to close and re-open Access.
You then get a somewhat less scary message to which you simply say Open.
That gets you around that bit. I think that this happens unless you have an authorised digital signature on your code.
That will enable you to open your db.
The disk or network error sounds like you have got linked database somewhere with the link to some location the db cannot find. I get that when I copy a FE and BE from my system onto CD-ROM and then install on another PC and forget to run linked table manager. Alternatively you are trying to import data from a location that is not being recognised.
As far as reference is concerned that sounds odd if you have no code. Open a form and go into the code then click on <Tools> <References> and see what you get.
Don't know if this will help you but I empathise closely with the sense of desperation!!!
Good luck


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:46
Sep 25, 2002
Thanks for your input, I agree with the work around on the first two messages - it is the last two errors that really hurt - since it is inevitable that they happen and my DB shuts down..


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:46
Mar 25, 2003
Have you tried a compact and repair?
Alternatively try creating a new db and then importing everything from the db causing you problems. I have had to do this a couple of times and it seems to help when everything else fails. I think it becomes necessary when there is a corruption in the db.
Do you get the disk error message on opening or when you are using it?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:46
Feb 19, 2002
Microsoft has added the macro security "feature" to A2003. To make this version behave as the older versions did,
1. download the newest version of Jet. I think it is version 8
2. Go to Tools/Macros/security and change the setting to low.

The other alternative is to digitally sign all your databases. Digital signatures must be PURCHASED, of course and I believe run around $400 PER YEAR!!!!


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:46
Sep 25, 2002
I have tried to bring everything into a blank DB to no avail. I will however try to update to version 8..thanks for your help so far..

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