Access Table Sync to Google Cloud or MS Access Online (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 04:19
Jul 14, 2012
I am just wondering the best and easiest way to sync MS Access backend with other users online.
I tried google cloud but don't know how to connect google cloud to my Access table. I am also thinking if I can purchase office 365 online to do the syncing.
Please I need your best advice on this issue.
Thank you


Local time
Today, 04:19
Jan 14, 2017
Access does not work well over any sort of WAN nor in the cloud.
If it works at all, performance will be very poor and corruption is likely to occur.

Access web apps have been discontinued though SharePoint is still a possibility

Alternatives include use of a remote desktop connection such as windows terminal server, Citrix or Azure. All cost money and may be complex to setup

I've jut realised you asked the same question less than two weeks ago in this thread
It's actually listed as the most recent similar thread at the bottom of this page

You were told exactly the same thing by several of us at that time
Why ask again now? Nothing has changed in a fortnight


Local time
Today, 04:19
Jul 14, 2012
Sorry, I think is better you read through my message to understand it well.
I need guid to connect to google cloud or use Access online from
What is wrong in asking this question again.
Thank you


Local time
Today, 04:19
Jan 14, 2017
I have read all three of your threads related to online syncing very well
I'll now leave others to have their say.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:19
Feb 28, 2001
What is wrong in asking this question again.

What is wrong is that you were told that the available technology doesn't work that well for the kind of synchronization you want to do. Further, as fast as technology is changing, it ain't changing that fast that you'd get a better answer in less than a month.

You may not see it this way, but playing the "shop around for a better answer" game makes it look like you don't trust us. We are telling you things that we believe WILL work and things that WON'T work. So... what part is unclear?

As to repeatedly asking the same question over and over again, it appears that we have failed to communicate with YOU that we heard you the first time you asked this same question. If you and we are communicating that poorly, why bother to ask in the first place? (Well... OK, second or third place by now).

I'm not trying to disparage your problem. You have been told that a terminal services solution of some kind is the best choice for WAN connectivity. You have been told that cloud services might not be reliable enough because of the protocol that Access uses. The Server Message Block (SMB) protocols are very sensitive to lost connections and can leave things dangling in the worst possible sense of that phrase. SMB over a shaky connection is a guarantee of database corruption waiting to happen.

I have no doubt of the legitimacy of your problem. It has been faced by many of us. We have tried stuff and found that for flaky, shaky connections, SMB is NOT the answer. TSS or RDP or some other remote terminal solution is your best choice.

If I sound a bit brusque, it is only because we need to impress on you that we HAVE heard you. Now YOU need to hear US.


Much to learn!
Local time
Yesterday, 20:19
Jun 7, 2012
I agree with the others....ask once.

But I'll leave this tidbit for you to do with what you will. Look into CData ODBC connections. I use them for Gmail and Google Calendar, but I believe they have one looking into Drive.

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