An application problem (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:55
Apr 21, 2013
I have a module which reads a CSV transaction file line by line and adds the correct transactions to an access table and places the wrong ones in a logfile.
Now some transactions are rejected twice there is even one rejected six times. Whereas one wrong transaction is processed only once. I am certainly overlooking something obvious in the logic but what. Here is the relevant code.
Function ImportCSVForConfederation(inputCSV, ORG)
    Dim TNO As Integer, TACT As Integer, TABLE As String, TLINE As String, I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer
    Dim FLD1 As String, FLD2 As String, FLD3 As String, FLD4 As String, LogFile As String, LogPath As String
    Dim Lim As String, ITNO As Integer
    On Error GoTo Err_Exit
    LogPath = Left(inputCSV, InStrRev(inputCSV, "/", -1))
    LogFile = LogPath + "LogFile.txt"
    Debug.Print "LogFile="; LogFile; " inputCSV="; inputCSV; "  ORG="; ORG
    Lim = ","
    I = 0
    J = 0
    K = 0
    TNO = 1
    TACT = 1
    TABLE = inputCSV
    TLINE = " "
    ReadWriteTable TNO, TACT, TABLE, TLINE      'open input
    TNO = 2
    TACT = 4
    TABLE = LogFile
    TLINE = " "
    ReadWriteTable TNO, TACT, TABLE, TLINE      'open output
'   Lets read input first line, accept it if it is header
    TNO = 1
    TACT = 2
    TABLE = inputCSV
    TLINE = " "
    ReadWriteTable TNO, TACT, TABLE, TLINE      'read input first line
    If IdentifyFields(TLINE, FLD1, FLD2, FLD3, FLD4, Lim) = 1 Then
        MsgBox "Header accepted"
        MsgBox "Header rejected"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim rstrans As DAO.Recordset
    Dim JDEL As Integer
    Dim JADD As Integer
    Dim JUPD As Integer
    Lim = ","
    JDEL = 0
    JADD = 0
    JUPD = 0
    Set rstrans = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("TransTbl")
'   Clear the trans table
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM TransTbl"
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    ITNO = 1
    While Not EOF(ITNO)
        TNO = 1
        TACT = 2
        TABLE = inputCSV
        TLINE = " "
        ReadWriteTable TNO, TACT, TABLE, TLINE      'read input line
        If InStr(TLINE, """") < 1 Then
            If IdentifyFields(TLINE, FLD1, FLD2, FLD3, FLD4, Lim) = 2 Then
                GoTo Add_Trans
            End If
            TNO = 2
            TACT = 5
            TABLE = LogFile
            TLINE = "FLD1=" & FLD1 & " FLD2=" & FLD2 & " FLD3=" & FLD3 & " FLD4=" & FLD4 & " is rejected"
            ReadWriteTable TNO, TACT, TABLE, TLINE      'write output line
            K = K + 1       'Rejected transactions
        End If
        GoTo End_Trans
'   Now copy the fields from transactions to TransTbl
            rstrans("FirstName").Value = FLD1
            rstrans("LastName").Value = FLD2
            rstrans("Email").Value = FLD3
            rstrans("Language").Value = FLD4
            rstrans("Federation").Value = ORG
            J = J + 1         'Accepted transaction
        I = I + 1           'total transactions except header
    Set rstrans = Nothing
    TACT = 6
    TNO = 1
    TABLE = inputCSV
    TLINE = " "
    ReadWriteTable TNO, TACT, TABLE, TLINE      'close input
    TNO = 2
    TABLE = LogFile
    TLINE = " "
    ReadWriteTable TNO, TACT, TABLE, TLINE      'close input
'   Integrity checks
    MsgBox "Transactions: Total=" & I & " Accepted=" & J & " Rejected=" & K
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "Error Number " & Err & " " & Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Func
End Function
Function IdentifyFields(TLINE, FLD1 As String, FLD2 As String, FLD3 As String, FLD4 As String, Lim As String) As Integer
    Dim L1 As Integer, L2 As Integer, L3 As Integer, L4 As Integer
    L1 = InStr(1, TLINE, Lim)
    L2 = InStr(L1 + 1, TLINE, Lim)
    L3 = InStr(L2 + 1, TLINE, Lim)
    L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Lim)
    If L4 = 0 Then L4 = Len(TLINE) + 1
    If (InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Lim) > 0) Then L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Lim)
    If (InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(13)) > 0) Then L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(13))
    If (InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(10)) > 0) Then L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(10))
    If (InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(10)) > 0) Then L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(59))
    FLD1 = Left(TLINE, L1 - 1)
    FLD2 = Mid(TLINE, L1 + 1, L2 - L1 - 1)
    FLD3 = Mid(TLINE, L2 + 1, L3 - L2 - 1)
    FLD4 = Mid(TLINE, L3 + 1, L4 - L3 - 1)
    Debug.Print "FLD1="; FLD1; " FLD2="; FLD2; " FLD3="; FLD3; " FLD4="; FLD4
    If FLD1 = "FirstName" And FLD2 = "LastName" And FLD3 = "Email" And FLD4 = "Language" Then
        IdentifyFields = 1 'header records
        Debug.Print "header record FLD1="; FLD1
        If Not IsNull(FLD1) And Not IsNull(FLD2) And Not IsNull(FLD3) And Not IsNull(FLD4) And Len(FLD4) = 1 Then
            IdentifyFields = 2 'normal record
            Debug.Print "normal record FLD1="; FLD1
            IdentifyFields = 3 'anything else error
        End If
    End If

End Function
Function IdentifyFields(TLINE, FLD1 As String, FLD2 As String, FLD3 As String, FLD4 As String, Lim As String) As Integer
    Dim L1 As Integer, L2 As Integer, L3 As Integer, L4 As Integer
    L1 = InStr(1, TLINE, Lim)
    L2 = InStr(L1 + 1, TLINE, Lim)
    L3 = InStr(L2 + 1, TLINE, Lim)
    L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Lim)
    If L4 = 0 Then L4 = Len(TLINE) + 1
    If (InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Lim) > 0) Then L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Lim)
    If (InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(13)) > 0) Then L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(13))
    If (InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(10)) > 0) Then L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(10))
    If (InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(10)) > 0) Then L4 = InStr(L3 + 1, TLINE, Chr(59))
    FLD1 = Left(TLINE, L1 - 1)
    FLD2 = Mid(TLINE, L1 + 1, L2 - L1 - 1)
    FLD3 = Mid(TLINE, L2 + 1, L3 - L2 - 1)
    FLD4 = Mid(TLINE, L3 + 1, L4 - L3 - 1)
    Debug.Print "FLD1="; FLD1; " FLD2="; FLD2; " FLD3="; FLD3; " FLD4="; FLD4
    If FLD1 = "FirstName" And FLD2 = "LastName" And FLD3 = "Email" And FLD4 = "Language" Then
        IdentifyFields = 1 'header records
        Debug.Print "header record FLD1="; FLD1
        If Not IsNull(FLD1) And Not IsNull(FLD2) And Not IsNull(FLD3) And Not IsNull(FLD4) And Len(FLD4) = 1 Then
            IdentifyFields = 2 'normal record
            Debug.Print "normal record FLD1="; FLD1
            IdentifyFields = 3 'anything else error
        End If
    End If

End Function
'Function ReadWriteTable
'This function provides functions to handle a simple text file.
'TNO is the stream number assigned to the file.
'TACT defines the function to be executed. Table is filename.
'TLine is a line of text to be written in the file.
'For TACT = 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 TLine is blank.
'TACT = 1 Open Input, 2 Read Input, 3 Open Append, 4 Open/Create Output,
'5 Print Line, 6 Close, 7 View in Notepad, 8 View in Excel, 9 Delete
'For read the function value is the line of characters read from the file
'To use this script insert the following Line after the
'Option statements as a comment "'$Include: "ReadWriteTable.bas""
Public Function ReadWriteTable(TNO As Integer, TACT As Integer, _
    TABLE As String, TLINE As String) As String
    Dim filename As String
    If (TABLE = "") Or (TNO < 1 And TNO > 256) Or (TACT < 1 And TACT > 9) Then
        MsgBox "TNO=" & TNO & " TACT=" & TACT & " Table=" & TABLE & " Wrong input output parameters", , GC_Title
        ReadWriteTable = "ERROR"
        Exit Function
    End If
    filename = TABLE
    Debug.Print "TNO= "; TNO; " filename= "; filename; " TACT= "; TACT
    Select Case TACT
        Case 1
            Open filename For Input As #TNO     ' Open table as text file
        Case 2
            If EOF(TNO) Then            'Read line by line until end of file
                ReadWriteTable = "EOF"
                Line Input #TNO, TLINE
                ReadWriteTable = TLINE
            End If
        Case 3
            Open filename For Append As #TNO    'append a line
        Case 4
            Open filename For Output As #TNO    'open for output
        Case 5
            Debug.Print "TLine="; TLINE
            Print #TNO, TLINE                   'write a line
        Case 6
            Close #TNO
        Case 7
            ' Open the file with notepad
            Shell "notepad.exe " & filename, vbNormalFocus
        Case 8
            ' Open the file with excel
            If EOF(TNO) Then            'Read line by line until end of file
                ReadWriteTable = "EOF"
                Line Input #TNO, TLINE
                ReadWriteTable = TLINE
            End If
            Shell "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\excel.exe " _
                & filename, vbNormalFocus
        Case 9
            ' Delete file
            Kill (filename)
    End Select
End Function


bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 05:55
Mar 17, 2004
I think you underestimate how difficult it is to understand someone else's code. And what is the format of the csv? And what is a "correct" transaction, and what is a "wrong" one? If I don't know what a "wrong" transaction is, how can I know that your code mishandles it?

Clearly you've considered your problem from your perspective, but if you want help with it, consider the helpers position and motivation, and what he/she might need to know in order to offer you useful assistance.

Hope this helps,


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:55
Nov 25, 2009
I think your best way will be to read all lines first, and after that create a query that put the wrong ones into the log file and delete them from the table.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:55
Apr 21, 2013
I think you underestimate how difficult it is to understand someone else's code. And what is the format of the csv? And what is a "correct" transaction, and what is a "wrong" one? If I don't know what a "wrong" transaction is, how can I know that your code mishandles it?

Clearly you've considered your problem from your perspective, but if you want help with it, consider the helpers position and motivation, and what he/she might need to know in order to offer you useful assistance.

Hope this helps,

Here is the transaction structure:
Normal:Dominique,Canyon,,E  -  good transaction
Normal:Domique",Canyon',,      -  bad transaction because use of double or single quotes in the transaction are not allowed when comma is used as a delimiter and language is only one character long.

These are the limitations on the transacions. The main program has a loop over the input transaction file, calls ReadWriteLine each time to read a transaction and if the transaction is good writes it in the TransTbl table if bad writes n the LogFile. I hope this covers the questions.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:55
Nov 25, 2009
I think your best way will be to read all lines first, and after that create a query that put the wrong ones into the log file and delete them from the table.
did you try this ?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:55
Apr 21, 2013
I replaced the transaction input concept by DoCmd.TransferText statement as a stored procedure. The problem disappeared. Instead of wasting time on this application logic problem I preferred this solution. Thanks to all those who rushed in to help.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:55
Nov 25, 2009
I replaced the transaction input concept by DoCmd.TransferText statement as a stored procedure. The problem disappeared. Instead of wasting time on this application logic problem I preferred this solution. Thanks to all those who rushed in to help.

Where did all the logic go ?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:55
Apr 21, 2013
Where did all the logic go ?
I replaced the first two subs (Sorry one function is copied twice) with the following:
Sub ImportConfederationTransactions(inputcsv, ORG, dest)
    Dim LogFile As String, LogPath As String, Lim As String, I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer, InFeder As String
    LogPath = Left(inputcsv, InStrRev(inputcsv, "/", -1))
    LogFile = LogPath + "LogFile.txt"
    InFeder = "InputFederation"
    dest = "TransFedTbl"
    Debug.Print "LogFile="; LogFile; " inputCSV="; inputcsv; "  ORG="; ORG
    Lim = ","
    I = 0
    J = 0
    K = 0
    If fExistTable(dest) = True Then
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM TransFedTbl"
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    End If
    DoCmd.TransferText transfertype:=acImportDelim, _
        SpecificationName:=InFeder, _
        TableName:=dest, _
        filename:=inputcsv, _
    Dim fld As String
    fld = "Federation"
    CurrentDb.Execute ("ALTER TABLE dest ADD COLUMN fld Text;")
    MsgBox inputcsv & " is imported as " & dest & " table and field " & fld & " is added", , GC_Title
End Sub

InFeder is a stored procedure. The header checking was superfluous so I dropped it. The line reading and writing is not necessary any more the command used does that. Now that the transactions are in the table it is much easier to check them further and delete and reject them if required.

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