Anti-spam measures


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 06:30
Sep 28, 1999
I have added some more anti-spam measures to this board, which should cut down on the number of forum profile links and signatures that we see. Will keep the mods happy too!
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What type of things should we NOT see now to know if the measures you have put in place are actually working?
What type of things should we NOT see now to know if the measures you have put in place are actually working?

He's got to go back and try a few other things. The current one doesn't fix some of what we would have liked fix.
You have to have 10 posts to appear before your signature link will appear. I now have to work on the profile links.

That is going to be a huge help, and I must say long overdue. But thanks alot.
Have you actually tested this functionality? Logged in today and found a new member with spam links in their signature!!! No Posts Joined today 21/11/10
Have you tried viewing them when logged out?
Ok guys, we might have the new anti-spam measures in place now. You cannot add a link to either a forum post or your profile until you reach 10 posts. If we find people add 10 posts and then add their link, we will just keep upping the minimum post count. :)
It is all top secret and I still don't think there will be any validation of reports. That's Yahoo! for you.
Jon, I am getting a Trojan alert to something called IFramer when I open just about any page. I'm using Kaspersky Internet Security 2010. It says something about .../forums/clientscript/vbulletin_ajax.js? Sorry I can't be more specific, but the alerting message cuts off the complete path.

BTW, my KIS2010 is updated as of last night. However, the problem started last week. I posted elsewhere, but now that I found this thread you started, I figured you might get an alert when someone replied.

Best wishes for a prosperous new year!

We are looking into this
Someone hacked the forums and embedded some code into the database. Fixed now. :)
Someone hacked the forums and embedded some code into the database. Fixed now. :)

Woah, glad you got it fixed but it would be good to know how they got access to the database.
We don't know, but I am asking anyone with admin login to change their password.
I happened to view this website earlier today whilst I was logged out. I noticed that instead of seeing links I saw this message:

To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

That’s brilliant! I thought what a brilliant anti spamming idea. And as you said earlier in this thread, if people try and circumnavigate it you can up the post count.

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