Append Query (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 18:09
Jan 8, 2003
Hello all!

I am having trouble using an append query. It looks pretty simple in the book and on Access help, however, I keep getting errors. I am fairly new to Access. I do no know Visual Basic.

I was adding records to a table called "NNE table". I entered record 49 and then hit tab and it gave me record number 61 as the next autonumber field. According to Access, the only way to change back to 50 is to create a new table with only the autonumber field and call it the same thing. I have done that and assigned the value to 40 (one less than what I want). Help then says to do an append query. I have tried to make an append query work once before without success. I selected the temporary table and added the unique id then chose append query from the query type and selected the "NNE table". I clicked for the query to run and I did not get an error. However, when I add records, the autonumber field is still in the sixties.

Can anyone help me? I feel like an idiot because I have read the book and the help for Access!



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:09
Apr 22, 2002
Does it matter ??


The autonumber field is something Access uses to keep track of records. You really don't need to pay attention to it.

But.......If you want to have the numbers in sequence, you can copy a table, and paste ONLY THE STRUCTURE as a new table.

Create a query based on the table with your existing data in it. Do not include the autonumber field.

Click QUERY --> APPEND. Select the name of the new table. Then click on the red ! on the tool bar. This will run the APPEND query.

Your new table should have all of your data, and the autonumber field should be in sequence.


Bob in Indy


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 18:09
Jan 8, 2003
Thank you for responding Bob. I think that I have made it work. I actually had to trick Access. The primary key was set to autonumber. I know probably not a good idea. The database was semi built when I took over.

Anyway, I deleted the relationships between tables. Then, I deleted the primary key and added a new primary key and told Access to autonumber. It started all over again with 1. I still have not been able to master the append query, but for now have made this work. I do need to learn how to do the append query. I will print your post and keep it handy. Thank you again.

Karen :)

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