Audit Update of a Field (1 Viewer)


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Local time
Today, 02:05
Jan 23, 2006

To output the DM xml, you can add and use this procedure to a module in your BE to SaveAsText to a stated location.

Also, if you open the xml file with Notepad++ and then use the xml plugin - Pretty Print

' Procedure : SaveAllDataMacros
' Author    : mellon
' Date      : 16-Jun-2017
' Purpose   : Routine to output or load data macros.

'To export:
'SaveAsText acTableDataMacro, "TableName", "C:\PathToFile\DataMacro.xml"
'To import:
'LoadFromText acTableDataMacro, "TableName", "C:\PathToFile\DataMacro.xml"

'You can open the output xml files with notepad++ and use the XML plugin with Pretty print with line feed.
'**Tested for the SaveAsText 16-Jun-2017
Sub SaveAllDataMacros()
          Dim db As DAO.Database
          Dim tbl As DAO.TableDef
          Dim sSaveMacro As String
          Dim sLoadMacro As String
10        On Error GoTo SaveAllDataMacros_Error

20        Dim cons As String: cons = "acTableDataMacro"
30        Set db = CurrentDb
40        For Each tbl In db.TableDefs
50            If Left(tbl.Name, 4) <> "MSys" And _
                  Left(tbl.Name, 4) <> "USys" Then
60                Debug.Print "SaveAsText " & cons & " , """ & tbl.Name & """, ""C:\Users\jp\Documents\macrosFor_" & tbl.Name & ".xml"
70                Application.SaveAsText acTableDataMacro, tbl.Name, "C:\Users\jp\Documents\macrosFor_" & tbl.Name & ".xml"
80            End If
90        Next tbl

100       Exit Sub

110       If Err.Number = 2950 Then
120           Debug.Print vbTab & tbl.Name & " has no associated data macro(s)"
130           Resume Next
140       End If
150       MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " in line " & Erl & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure SaveAllDataMacros of Module basModule1"
160       Resume SaveAllDataMacros_Exit
End Sub
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Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
@jdraw - Gives me "The system cannot find C:\Users\jp\Documents" - J/K .... :cool: 🤣(y)

Seriously - Amazing stuff as always!!! Works like a champ. I'm even further indebted to you!!!

You don't, per chance, have a LoadAllDataMacros that would load from the same folder to the production/clean/vanilla test BE, do you?

(I know, I'm greedy .. :devilish:)

Again - much thanks!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:05
Jan 23, 2006
Here's a routine to Load Data macro(s) associated with 1 table from text.

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: LoadADataMacro
' Purpose: Routine to Load a TableDataMacro from Text
' Procedure Kind: Sub
' Procedure Access: Public
' Parameter tblWithDatamacro (String): Name of Table to receive tableDataMacro
' Parameter FileNameWithMacroText (String): Full path and filename to the TableDtaMacro xml
' Author: Jack
' Date: 11-Jan-24
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
Sub LoadaDataMacro(tblWithDatamacro As String, FileNameWithMacroText As String)

10        On Error GoTo LoadaDataMacro_Error
20     LoadFromText acTableDataMacro, tblWithDatamacro, FileNameWithMacroText
30        On Error GoTo 0
40        Exit Sub


50        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & "), line " & Erl & " in Procedure LoadaDataMacro" _
         & "  Module  TestLoadDataMacro "
60        GoTo LoadaDataMacro_Exit
End Sub

Routine to test LoadADataMacro

Sub testLoadDataMacro()

LoadaDataMacro "tblSource", "C:\users\jp\documents\tblSource_DataMacros.xml"
End Sub

A few things I have stumbled upon:
-I can run the LoadADataMacro on a table multiple times with no error. So it may delete the existing macros or overwrite or bypass the request?? In any event, the macro does get loaded from text.

-I have not found a way to delete a TableDataMacro via code.
When I use DoCmd.DeleteObject acTableDataMaco... Access says the the objectType is invalid even though I chose it from the intellisense dropdown?

- to delete a tableDataMacro, go to the DataMacro screen as normal the select the Rename or Delete option, click on Delete and Save the change related to the Macro, then Save the change to the Table. see this video

Note: You could process (LoadFromText) multiple TableDataMacros if you set up a list of Tables and their associated DataMacros. You would call the subroutine LoadADataMacro passing in the parameter values for each Table.

Further: To put this in perspective - I created a new database. Then designed a table named tblSource with same structure as original table. I have not added any data to the table, but did run LoadADataMacro.
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George Hepworth
Local time
Yesterday, 23:05
Nov 25, 2004
@jdraw - Gives me "The system cannot find C:\Users\jp\Documents" - J/K .... :cool: 🤣(y)

Seriously - Amazing stuff as always!!! Works like a champ. I'm even further indebted to you!!!

You don't, per chance, have a LoadAllDataMacros that would load from the same folder to the production/clean/vanilla test BE, do you?

(I know, I'm greedy .. :devilish:)

Again - much thanks!
In addition to Jack's version, you can find how we got around a serious problem in the Northwind Developer Edition template by loading data macros as part of the initialization of the new accdb from the template. You can find the code in the accdb generated by the template. In that case, IIRC, the data macros were removed from tables by the process of creating the template, requiring a method to put them back.
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
@jdraw - Thank you. Will reply in a new reply.


I have a quick question: On my frmSwitchboard, in Form_Activate(), I have code to change the background color of the form depending on whether I am using the test or the production backend, and I have a button to change the linked BE. It works fine on startup, and it works fine if I open a different form and then click back on the Switchboard, but I'd like it to change color immediately.

How can I run the FormActivate command again?

Me.Repaint and Me.SetFocus do not work. I'm not sure if I can call "Form_Activate". (Didn't seem to work, busy cursor - but did finally work). Docmd.OpenForm Me.Name would likely work, but seems like probably overkill for what I want (and doesn't work since the form is already open).

I could just copy that portion of the form_Activate code to the button code - easiest solution, but seems redundant.

Update - I'm not sure why, but FormActivate ran really slowly on my system, but eventually DID set the background correctly (after pressing CTRL-Break). Copying the code did the same thing.

I have it working by opening a form hidden and then closing it - awkward, but it does work.
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Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
@jdraw - much appreciated again.

I also stumbled on the Delete/Rename option button.

Question - would I use and run this from the open target BE. Seemed like he was recommending opening the BE in a new Access instance from a different database.

Might be a potato/potahto thing. Right now, the code isn't in the BE, so it would be easier to do from a separate database. Next time the BE is updated, the code would be there, so it would be easier to run it from the BE directly.

Also - there is no rush and I could likely figure out how to do it, but I was hoping for a one-step process that would be the reverse of the save routine.

I.e. the save routine saves all the files to a folder with SaveAs MacrosFor_<tablename>.xml.

So I was hoping for something that I could specify a target folder and targetdatabase (if not the current database) and the code would loop through each file in the folder, get the table name by stripping out MacrosFor_ and .xml. Check if that table exists in the database, load the .xml file, and loop to the next file/table.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:05
Jan 23, 2006
Seems reasonable. Caution would be if you have different databases with data macros, then, as you say, must check table exists in database before doing the load from text.

Have you decided on which macros you'll have (Create, Update/Modify, Delete)? Each field or just record?
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
@jdraw - Can/Do I run your macros from the target BE with it open or from a different database?
Also - could you look at Reply #105. I think it should be easy, but I'm having a hard time getting it to work properly.
Seems reasonable. Caution would be if you have different databases with data macros, then, as you say, must check table exists in database before doing the load from text.
Not likely to happen, but possible and good to verify.
I have a lot of work ahead, but I might try to create a macro to do that if I run ahead of schedule. Would be really nice to be able to run one button and update the tables and minimize downtime with the production BE offline.

Then again - it's seven tables and I know the table names and I know the file names and locations, so it's just adding your procedure and calling it 7 times. For an occasional thing, probably simpler to do that.

Have you decided on which macros you'll have (Create, Update/Modify, Delete)? Each field or just record?
All three for each table, similar to what I posted earlier.

The biggest one will be update and will cover 15-20 fields in each table. Basically, the original PK (so I can query results to only the currently displayed record), the reference field so we can verify the results match the correct record (the PK is not displayed and wouldn't mean anything to anyone else), the event (b/c the field name might not mean anything to anyone), then old value, the new value, and who made the change and when.

The good thing is the If-Then block is very similar and you can copy/paste that in the interface, so it is relatively easy to build.

The delete macro is similar, but only at the record level, so no If-Then blocks and no field values, just the old original PK value, original reference value, Event of "Record Deleted" and who made the change and when. The last two are the important things: Who b/c there are only supposed to be two people and one of them is me, who can delete records, so if someone else is logged in when it is deleted, I want to find out how it is happening. I don't think it's anything intentional, but I need to eliminate it. The when b/c that allows me to restore the record (hopefully) from the previous nights backup, rather than "It wasn't here last night, or the night before, or the night before that, okay, here it is".

Same with the add macro - same data at the record level, except an event of "Record Added" and current values instead of old values. More superfluous than the delete macro, but again, there are only the same two people that are SUPPOSED to be able to add a record, so especially if I find "What is this garbage that doesn't even make sense in the database?" I can refer to that and try to figure out how it happened.

Some of it is wishful thinking also b/c - even if I didn't think I'd potentially get in trouble for answering honestly - if someone came to me and said "Our audit shows this record was deleted under your login at 9:47:33 yesterday, what exactly were you doing in the database at that time.", I wouldn't have a good answer. I have the database open all day, and I could have been doing anything ...


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:05
Jan 23, 2006
I would think the Save and Load Data macros would be a developer( possibly Admin/DB) related activity. I'd probably have them in a module in the BE that could only be accessed using special account or form. Who would normally be logging in to the BE?? I can't envision a need to modify a Data Macro unless there was some major change in a process and/or table structure.
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
I would think the Save and Load Data macros would be a developer( possibly Admin/DB) related activity. I'd probably have them in a module in the BE that could only be accessed using special account or form. Who would normally be logging in to the BE??
I think we got signals crossed somewhere.

I was just asking if the load tables sub could be run from the currently open BE file, like the save macro is, or do I run it from a separate db like I do with Pat's DDL queries. From your reply, it looks like the answer is yes, the open database.

Nobody but me logs DIRECTLY into the BE, and I'll most likely copy it to a local folder and modify it and copy (actually move) it back. I'm not sure who besides me knows where it is located, but some other users have admin privileges on the FE, which means (if they know where to find the .accdb FE - in which case they probably know where to find the BE file, they could figure out the location.

There are two of us (I'm one) who can add/delete records out of the BE while accessing it from the FE, but if we can do it, probably others can - but not via an obvious method, so we want to figure out how that might be happening.
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
I have Reply #105 working through a combination of factors ...
  • First off, I think this is related to working over VPN instead of hard-wired. I.e. it takes 10-20 seconds to update at home, as opposed to probably 1-2 seconds if I were in the office.
  • Second, it's probably a perception thing, but it seems to update quickly if I manually open another form and close it. - but it may just be that I know I am waiting for the new form to load and close, so I don't notice the time it is taking to load the backend.
  • Third, I added a progress bar for when the BE was being relinked and some DoEvents to take care of black screens. That has worked in the past and actually, the PB is a pop-up form, so technically that IS opening and closing a pop-up form. It made waiting feel better, but it didn't confirm the changes by refreshing the page.
  • Last, I copied the code to change the colors to run while the PB was displayed and ran a Me.Repaint afterward and that seems to have worked.
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023

Have an odd glitch which is just enough to annoy me!!! See above.

When I am on the test BE, the switchboard has a light gray background for the detail pane and a maroon background for the footer. When I am on the production BE, the switchboard has a dark gray background for both.

When I switch, there is still a maroon line between the detail pane and the footer. However, if I do almost anything, the line disappears. (If I show or hide, the ribbon, the line disappears. If I restore or maximize the window, the line disappears. If I open another form, the line disappears while the other form is opening before the display switches to the other form. If I come back to the form from a different form, the line is gone.)

Any idea what causes the line and how to get rid of it?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:05
Jan 23, 2006
Here is a routine that reviews the folder where DataMacros were saved using SaveAsText.
It parses out the table names referenced in the saved macro xml. It then compares those
table names with the table defs in the database. Where there is a match, the associated data macro is loaded from the xml file.

I created it and tested it in the BE of the test database you posted.

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: DataMacroFiles
' Purpose: Routine to review xml files in a specified folder where datamacros were SaveAsText.
'          Filter filenames for "macrosFor_".
'          Compare tables identified in xml files with tables in this database. Where names match
'          Load the dataMacro(s) from text to the associated table.
' Procedure Kind: Function
' Procedure Access: Public
' Parameter strFolder (String): Fullname of folder to be reviewed
' Author: Jack
' Date: 11-Jan-24
' Calls:
' LoadaDataMacro
' Requires:
' Reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'Sample execution in immediate window
' DataMacroFiles "C:\Users\JP\Documents\"
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
Function DataMacroFiles(strFolder As String)

10        On Error GoTo DataMacroFiles_Error
         ' strFolder = "C:\Users\jp\Documents\"  'used for testing
          Dim filt As String
20        filt = "macrosFor_"     'unique characters within filenames from SaveAsText
          Dim tblName As String   'table associated with TableDataMacro
          Dim col As Collection   'collection from review of DataMacro xml files
          Dim fol As Folder       'folder
          Dim fil As File         'file
          Dim fso As FileSystemObject

30        Set fso = New FileSystemObject
40        Set col = New Collection
50        Set fol = fso.GetFolder(strFolder)

          'List  Tables and Filenames in the existing DataMacros stored via SaveAsText

60        For Each fil In fol.Files
70            If fil.Type = "xml File" Then          'datamacros store as xml files when SaveAsText
80                If InStr(fil.Name, filt) > 0 Then
90                    tblName = Mid(fil.Name, Len(filt) + 1)
100                   tblName = Left(tblName, Len(tblName) - 4)
110                   Debug.Print tblName & String(38 - Len(fil.Name), " ") & fil.Name
120                   col.Add tblName & "|" & fil.Path  'store table name "|" filename in collection
130               End If
140           End If
150       Next
          'Review NonSystem Tabledefs in this database
          Dim X As Integer
          Dim db As DAO.Database
          Dim tbl As DAO.TableDef
160       Set db = CurrentDb
          ' Compare xml files and associated tables with Current database Tables
          ' where there is a match, Load the DataMacro from the related xml file
170       For X = 1 To col.Count                'xml datamacro info is in Col
180           For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs
190               If Left(tbl.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then
200                   If tbl.Name = Left(col(X), InStr(col(X), "|") - 1) Then
210                       Debug.Print "Table " & tbl.Name & " has datamacro Text at " & Mid(col(X), InStr(col(X), "|") + 1)
220                       LoadaDataMacro tbl.Name, Mid(col(X), InStr(col(X), "|") + 1)
230                       Debug.Print "---Macro was loaded from text"
240                   End If
250               End If
260           Next
270       Next
280      MsgBox "Data macros for tables in this database have been LoadedFromText", vbOKOnly
290       On Error GoTo 0
300       Exit Function


310       MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & "), line " & Erl & " in Procedure DataMacroFiles" _
         & "  Module  Module1 "
320       GoTo DataMacroFiles_Exit
End Function

This is the debug.print showing how I invoked the function and the info printed to immediate by the function.

DataMacroFiles "C:\Users\JP\Documents\" <-----------Invoking the Routine
tblAuditLog macrosFor_tblAuditLog.xml
tblSource macrosFor_tblSource.xml
tCourse macrosFor_tCourse.xml
tCourseContent macrosFor_tCourseContent.xml
tStudent macrosFor_tStudent.xml
tStudentSession macrosFor_tStudentSession.xml
tStudentTestResults macrosFor_tStudentTestResults.xml
tSubject macrosFor_tSubject.xml
Table tblAuditLog has datamacro Text at C:\Users\JP\Documents\macrosFor_tblAuditLog.xml
---Macro was loaded from text
Table tblSource has datamacro Text at C:\Users\JP\Documents\macrosFor_tblSource.xml
---Macro was loaded from text

Notice: tblAuditLog has a macro loaded --because I had saved it using SaveAsText when testing my database previously, and your tblAuditLog has the same name. You may have to store the database name with the macros when saving to prevent such instances.
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
@jdraw - I haven't tested it (and it might be a while before I do ..., but ...

Notice: tblAuditLog has a macro loaded --because I had saved it using SaveAsText when testing my database previously, and your tblAuditLog has the same name. You may have to store the database name with the macros when saving to prevent such instances.
Good info and good to be aware of, but that won't be an issue. It could be if I had multiple backends, and in that case, I would probably store the text files from each database in a different folder.

The plan is update the test backend, save all the macros when it is finished updating, then use a copy of the unmodified backend and load the files to the same-named tables in that and make sure it works. Then I'll take the production front end, add the module code to it, run the DDL to add new tables and fields, and load the data modules from text.

But you saved me a LOT of time. Greatly appreciated!!!!!!
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
A few things I have stumbled upon:
I decided to do a write-up on things I learned with data macros - hopefully it helps others:

Disclaimer: I've never actually used the Allen Browne style VBA Audit Macros.

Bluf: Data Macros are somewhat more versatile and generally more difficult to set up.

Things that might trip up a new user:
  • Like most of the federated Access Macros, you can only call functions, not subroutines from a data macro. Also, there is no MsgBox command. I often use MsgBoxes for debugging. You COULD use them with federated macros, but you would have to do something like:
Function MsgBox()
     MsgBox "I'm here."
End Function
  • "Old".values are retained. This somewhat simplifies datamacros. For example, I can have an After Delete data macro that writes all of the previous values to a record in the tblAudit. With VBA Audit Macros, I think I would have to have a BeforeDeletion macro that wrote all of the values to variables and then an AfterDeletion macro that wrote all of the variables to tblAudit.
  • DataMacros handle most of the ways your table can be changed - i.e. Update queries, VBA code, manual changes, etc.
  • DataMacros are stored in the backend, but are called from the front end (in a split database). Therefore, if you have a function like GetUserName(), it must be included in EVERY FE that uses the BE table. If you also may edit the table directly via the BE, the function must ALSO be included in the BE.
  • The Data macro must be tied to one of the actions: After Insert, After Update, After Delete, Before Delete, and Before Change. There are three ways to accomplish this:
    • In jdraw's example, he calls a named data macro to gather his parameters, then he calls a different named data macro to write the parameters to his tblAudit.
    • In my example, I called a named data macro from the action and used the named data macro to create the record in tblAuditLog. I did not use a named data macro to write the changes and I did not use parameters.
    • It would also be possible to not used NAMED data macros at all and simply write the steps to the After Insert action, etc. The drawback to this is it is somewhat harder to copy partial parts of the step, if you are troubleshooting. (With NAMED data macros, you can create Macro1, Macro2, etc. and experiment with calling different ones from each step.)
  • Errors are written to UsysApplicationlog and MAY or MAY NOT have any additional error message.
  • It is helpful to create DM's incrementally - i.e. record one field, test, record another field, test, etc.
  • Especially in a split-database, creation and testing is NOT user-friendly. Primarily for four reasons:
    • You cannot comment out steps like you can with VBA using the '. There is a comment function, but not an easy way to comment/uncomment a step.
    • It is possible, but somewhat difficult to copy steps. You can click in a blank area and Ctrl-A and Ctrl-C and copy the entire macro, or you can select and copy single steps or single blocks (like an If-Then) block. Also - Shift-click and Ctrl-Click can be used to copy multiple steps, which you cannot easily do with VBA - Update 16-Jan-2024.
    • Syntax is not consistent, for example, in my example data macro, I use:
      • If Updated ("Event 1 Complete") <Must be in quotes, even though the interface uses square brackets.>
      • Create record in tblAuditLog
      • SetField Name tblAuditLog.Reference <Must have the tablename, even though I specified the tablename in the create record step>
      • Value = [tblSource].[REFERENCE] - <Must have the tablename, even though I am creating the data macro in this table>
      • Or value = [Old].[Event 1 Complete] - <Must NOT have the source table name, even though current field values DO require this.>
    • The interface is extremely clunky and mouse-intensive when troubleshooting. For example, as opposed to VBA where I typically write my code and run the code with F8 to execute line-by-line, I have to:
      • Open the BE File.
      • Open the tblSource in DesignView.
      • Select Table Design>Create Data Macros> Create Named Macro or Table Design>Create Data Macros> Edit Named Macro
      • Add the steps.
      • Save the macro.
      • Close the interface.
      • Save the table <The DM is technically not saved until you save the table.>
      • Close the BE <Otherwise I will get an error about the FE not being able to open b/c the BE is locked by me.>
      • Open the FE.
      • Test the DM.
      • Close the FE and open the BE if changes are required.
      • Repeat.
UPDATE 16-Jan-2024 - Adding two more bullets:
  • As @Pat Hartman and @jdraw clarified, I forgot to mention that DM also only work with MS Access (Jet/Ace) BE files, so if you are using SQL Server or other formats, or think you may migrate the BE to these formats, you would have to remove the data macros and convert to VBA Code audit macros.
  • Data Macros require MUCH more co-ordination between the BE and the FE updates. For example:
    • If I am performing an update with VBA Code audit macros, as I understand it, I have to make two changes:
      • An update to the BE to add the new tblAudit. However, since this is not used, it will be dormant until the FE is updated. In addition, since it is a brand new table, it doesn't require exclusive access to the BE to add the table.
      • I can then work at leisure to develop and release the new FE supporting the VBA audit macros.
        So two updates, neither one requiring exclusive access. Note that if users have an older version of the FE, and you don't force them to update, they can avoid your audit history.
    • With DM, my update plan is as follows:
      • I'll release a FE update with the new GetRealUserName function. This MUST be released prior to adding the DM to the BE or the user will get errors when they update a field. I won't change anything else related to the DM in this release (linking to the tblAudit which doesn't exist yet.)
      • After everyone updates, I'll update the BE to add the new DM, which will require exclusive access to the BE. Pat's DDL database and Jack's save and import from text macros will be GodSend's for this, and it shouldn't be much more than 5 minutes, if that, of downtime. Note that the tblAudit will start to be populated at this point, even though I can't easily view the changes.
      • I'll then release the SECOND updated FE that actually makes use of the new DM's. So three updates, one of which requires exclusive access, and might cause errors to the user.
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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 19, 2002
Thanks @Marshall Brooks That was an excellent recap. Perhaps @isladogs can use his influence to get it included in some official documentation. I dabbled with the macros a few years ago but found them too annoying for words and dropped the project. Also, in my defense, most of my BE's are SQL Server and so if I needed the functionality, I would have had to use triggers instead. You persisted and documented a lot of the idiosyncrasies (newspeak for bugs) I ran into. Luckily I didn't have a work need to succeed and could throw my hands up and move on to something less frustrating.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:05
Jan 23, 2006

Well done! I agree with Pat- yours is a very good review of the Data Macro facility in MS Access. It should be helpful for anyone developing an all Access application. Data macros are great for creating audit records regardless of the source of the action invoking change to a table(s). I fully agree that the interface is "klunky" and general documentation fairly scant. I have found ways to save, load and delete table data macros to/from text.
I have had many positive comments on my Data Macro post and sample database and your documentation makes a great complement for those considering data macros.


George Hepworth
Local time
Yesterday, 23:05
Nov 25, 2004
I agree with Pat and Jack. Well done.

I do disagree with a couple of assertions, though, to a certain extent. There are some work-arounds, if memory serves.

  • You cannot comment out steps like you can with VBA using the '. There is a comment function, but not an easy way to comment/uncomment a step.
Actually, it's not possible to do so in-line, but there is a sort of work-around. You can put StopMacro in the line before you want to omit for testing up to that point. You could move the line to the end of the macro, with that StopMacro action ahead of it, and then return it to its original position, without the StopMacro action. Clumsy, yes, but it could work.
  • It is possible, but somewhat difficult to copy steps. You can click in a blank area and Ctrl-A and Ctrl-C and copy the entire macro, or you can select and copy single steps or single blocks (like an If-Then) block, but there is no way to copy multiple steps using Ctrl-Click, or Shift-Click, etc.
I've not done this for a while, but I think you should be able to collapse each step in the macro and use the Ctrl-Click method to select one or more in that state. Can you try that and let us know if I'm misremembering the past again?
Local time
Today, 02:05
Feb 28, 2023
Thanks all for the kind words and support ...

Actually, it's not possible to do so in-line, but there is a sort of work-around. You can put StopMacro in the line before you want to omit ...
StopMacro could be useful for testing instead of incrementally developing the code. However, if you move the line to the end of the macro, now you have to remember where you moved it FROM when you need to move it back. IMHO, you would be better off creating Effort1 and Effort2 named macros for testing, which is also more cumbersome than just an in-line comment like VBA allows.
I've not done this for a while, but I think you should be able to collapse each step in the macro and use the Ctrl-Click method to select one or more in that state. Can you try that and let us know if I'm misremembering the past again?
Correct - actually it works even without collapsing the step. I edited my original post. There seems to be a slight delay on my system before it selects the additional step, which is probably why I thought it didn't work.
Also, in my defense,
Actually, my reasons for going with DM's were also somewhat flawed, but they were:
  • Primarily, I had Jack's great example database and support to pull from.
  • As Jack stated above, there are interactions that DM will log that VBA Audit macros will not log. I haven't heard anyone mentioning actions that VBA Audit macros can log that DM cannot log.
  • I somewhat like taking the more unusual route in solutions.
  • To a large extent, "I didn't know what I didn't know."
    • Either approach was uncharted territory for me, so either approach would involve a fairly steep learning curve.
    • I only wanted to log a few fields, not the entire table. Jack's database seemed to do that. Allen Browne's examples seemed to loop through all the fields of the table (which I'm not sure the federated code would support - probably it will, but Jack's example seemed more easily adapted to what I wanted.)
    • Allen has text on his page that implies that DM are clearly preferable, unless you are using an older version of Access that doesn't support them. I don't think that was truly his intent, but sadly, he has retired from Access and his pages are no longer being updated.
    • The fields that I am interested in are NOT typically directly updated. We use a datepicker so technically, VBA is being used to update the fields. I did investigate when I was frustrated and the form AfterUpdate event does trigger, so I think in MOST cases I could have made VBA audit code work for my situation, but I didn't know that when I started. (And there may be SOME instances where the DM would pick up the change and the VBA would not (without workarounds). I don't have to be concerned about that.)


George Hepworth
Local time
Yesterday, 23:05
Nov 25, 2004
Thanks all for the kind words and support ...

StopMacro could be useful for testing instead of incrementally developing the code. However, if you move the line to the end of the macro, now you have to remember where you moved it FROM when you need to move it back. IMHO, you would be better off creating Effort1 and Effort2 named macros for testing, which is also more cumbersome than just an in-line comment like VBA allows.

Correct - actually it works even without collapsing the step. I edited my original post. There seems to be a slight delay on my system before it selects the additional step, which is probably why I thought it didn't work.

Actually, my reasons for going with DM's were also somewhat flawed, but they were:
  • Primarily, I had Jack's great example database and support to pull from.
  • As Jack stated above, there are interactions that DM will log that VBA Audit macros will not log. I haven't heard anyone mentioning actions that VBA Audit macros can log that DM cannot log.
  • I somewhat like taking the more unusual route in solutions.
  • To a large extent, "I didn't know what I didn't know."
    • Either approach was uncharted territory for me, so either approach would involve a fairly steep learning curve.
    • I only wanted to log a few fields, not the entire table. Jack's database seemed to do that. Allen Browne's examples seemed to loop through all the fields of the table (which I'm not sure the federated code would support - probably it will, but Jack's example seemed more easily adapted to what I wanted.)
    • Allen has text on his page that implies that DM are clearly preferable, unless you are using an older version of Access that doesn't support them. I don't think that was truly his intent, but sadly, he has retired from Access and his pages are no longer being updated.
    • The fields that I am interested in are NOT typically directly updated. We use a datepicker so technically, VBA is being used to update the fields. I did investigate when I was frustrated and the form AfterUpdate event does trigger, so I think in MOST cases I could have made VBA audit code work for my situation, but I didn't know that when I started. (And there may be SOME instances where the DM would pick up the change and the VBA would not (without workarounds). I don't have to be concerned about that.)
Hm. Regarding remembering where the macro line originated? How about a comment: "Step 1 belongs here" and then you know exactly where to put it back.

Regarding copy/paste. Good to know that it doesn't require collapsing the macro lines. I probably got into that habit for convenience.

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