Backup a Backend - enhanced


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Yesterday, 17:55
Mar 2, 2010
I saw theDBGuy's link post #2 to backup a backend.
Good timing as I was about to add a backup option to one of my dbs. Wasn't sure if should post in the original thread or in a new thread. Added some parameters to the existing code so that can do one or more of the following:
-backup to the same path as the linked file
-backup to a subfolder of the selected path
-backup to a folder other than the linked table or currentproject.path
-use the same name as the linked file + date
-specify a different name for the backup file + date

Since linked table is now a parameter, this will allow for backing up multiple backends if there are linked tables from more than one file. I left the date hard coded (in my code I didn't include the time portion), but this could be modified to pass as a parameter if the date is not needed as part of the backup name.

Public Sub BackUpAndCompactBE(LinkedTableName As String, LinkedPath As Boolean, Optional SubFolder As String, Optional BackupFolder As String, Optional BackupName As String)
'Originally found through
'Courtesy of Brent Spaulding (datAdrenaline), MVP
'Modified by theDBguy on 5/27/2019
'Added optionals:
'   linkedpath - save to same folder as the linked file location
'   subfolder - save the backup in a subfolder of the selected path
'   backupfolder - save the backup in a completely different location
'   backupname - use a name different than the source name
On Error GoTo errHandler

    Dim oFSO As Object
    Dim strDestination As String
    Dim strSource As String
    Dim strTableName As String
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim strDestinationPath As String
    strTableName = LinkedTableName 'name of your linked table
    'Get the source of your back end
    strSource = Split(Split(CurrentDb.TableDefs(strTableName).Connect, _
            "Database=")(1), ";")(0)
    'Get the name of the backup file
    If BackupName = "" Then
        strFileName = "\" & FileNameNoExt(strSource)
        strFileName = "\" & BackupName '"\SCR_BE" 'name of your backup file
    End If
    'Determine which path to use
    If LinkedPath = True Then
        strDestinationPath = FILEPATH(strSource)
        strDestinationPath = CurrentProject.Path
    End If
    'Determine your destination
    If SubFolder = "" Then
       strDestination = strDestinationPath & strFileName & "_" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & ".accdb"
         strDestination = strDestinationPath & SubFolder & strFileName & "_" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & ".accdb"
    End If
    'Change backup folder if not using Project or Linked Path
    If BackupFolder <> "" Then
        If Right(BackupFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
            BackupFolder = BackupFolder & "\"
        End If
        strDestination = Replace(strDestination, FILEPATH(strDestination), BackupFolder)
    End If
    'Flush the cache of the current database
    'Create a file scripting object that will backup the db
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    oFSO.CopyFile strSource, strDestination
    Set oFSO = Nothing
    'Compact the new file, ...
    Name strDestination As strDestination & ".cpk"
    DBEngine.CompactDatabase strDestination & ".cpk", strDestination
    'Uncomment the following line and comment the previous line
    'if your backend file is password protected or if you want the backup to have a password
    'DBEngine.CompactDatabase strDestination & ".cpk", strDestination, , , ";pwd=YourPassword"
    Kill strDestination & ".cpk"
    'Notify users
    MsgBox "Backup file '" & strDestination & "' has been created.", _
            vbInformation, "Backup Completed!"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Resume errExit
End Sub

Function FileNameNoExt(strPath As String) As String
    Dim strTemp As String
    strTemp = Mid$(strPath, InStrRev(strPath, "\") + 1)
    FileNameNoExt = Left$(strTemp, InStrRev(strTemp, ".") - 1)
End Function
'The following function returns the filename with the extension from the file's full path:
Function FileNameWithExt(strPath As String) As String
    FileNameWithExt = Mid$(strPath, InStrRev(strPath, "\") + 1)
End Function
'the following function will get the path only (i.e. the folder) from the file's full path:
Function FILEPATH(strPath As String) As String
    FILEPATH = Left$(strPath, InStrRev(strPath, "\"))
End Function

Function FileExtension(strPath As String) As String
'Get the extension of the file name
    FileExtension = Split(strPath, ".")(UBound(Split(strPath, ".")))
End Function
Hi. Thanks for the enhancements. I might incorporate that the next time I update the website. I actually have some changes I’ve been meaning to add, like handling password protected BEs. Cheers!
Glad to be able to contribute to your useful code.
Just out of curiosity.
Why not simply use SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio)'s backup. Several click to add a backup job and add the job to a schedule and you're done. You won't need to bother anything anymore.
Just out of curiosity.
Why not simply use SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio)'s backup. Several click to add a backup job and add the job to a schedule and you're done. You won't need to bother anything anymore.

I thought this was for an Access BE ?
i always use third party program. Goodsync, set and forget. it has un attended feature. allows backup on file change. allows backup even when the file is in use.

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