Best help for depression (1 Viewer)

¿Cómo puedes ayudar a un amigo deprimido? Mi amigo siempre presenta estas perspectivas negativas en la vida y siento que estos son signos de depresión. Tengo miedo de que pueda hacer algo dañino para sí mismo.
Hola, una forma de ayudar es sugerirle que vaya a un terapeuta, que lo pueda ayudar de manera profesional. Otra forma es sugerirle alguna actividad que lo motive, unirse a nuevos grupos; es un proceso en el que tiene que hacer su parte para salir de ese estado. Me ayudaron varias cosas, como ir a terapia (eso fue lo primero), apuntarme a un deporte que me gusta, así como también, leer libros de autoayuda y sanación . Lo bueno es que te tiene a ti, como su amigo.
First, @petrderbikov - Hello and welcome to the forum, since that was your first post.

Second, when I was seriously depressed during my mother's long-term terminal illness, I took on ... not reading, but WRITING as a hobby. It allowed me to dump my emotions on paper. Somehow, that act - a way of talking about how I felt even though the feelings were disguised as part of a novel - helped me to cope with my feelings.
The first thing to do for you is to find the reason behind that problem. Why is he behaving like this? He took his family members and close friends with him. What is the problem he has been facing recently? If you are his close friend, then you know something that you think is the reason behind his problem. If you know that, then take a step and solve your friend's problem. You need to talk politely to your friend and ask him why he is behaving like this. If he has any problems, then tell him we can solve that problem together. Because every depression has a reason behind it.
For me, it was the realization that I was the cause of my own depression, not my mother's sudden passing or my brother's passing. I was engaged in a form of mental gymnastics within myself. It did not matter how much self-medicating I did with Xanax or alcohol I was causing my own drama.

Some of the things I found useful to help me break the cycle of mental gymnastics, in no particular order are.

Before sleep use positive affirmation of yourself and others. This will help build a foundation in your subconscious mind.
7-8 hours of good quality sleep.
Limit caffeine to one cup daily preferably in the morning, and limiting alcohol use is a must.
Eat only whole foods no processed foods or junk food.
Exercise and weight control are a must.
Turn off the news.
With a doctor's help eventually ween off any psychotropic drugs.

Good luck with your personal journey!
that’s definitely step 1, don’t watch the news! Why? When you are depressed you are living in a survival state, your body is in a constant state of fear. Adrenaline and cortisol are ruling your world. Now your subconscious thinks that everything and everybody is a danger, even your own family. The constant flow of fight or flee hormones, make you feel sick. I van get so bad, that you start thinking that ending yoir life is the best way out. You have to calme your body down. Treat it as a scared little child, meditate, treatment with fysicle touching. You have to learn to trust the world and there inhabitants again, overcome your fear.

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