Bi-Weekly Dates (1 Viewer)


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Local time
Today, 05:13
Mar 10, 2008
I'm not really sure what to do on this one, I'd like to hear some suggestions on what everyone thinks..

I have a database where users enter information Bi-Weekly into a form. I have 2 date fields set up, one is called the RecordDate, it is the date at which the user has entered the actual data into the database. Ignore this date.

I have another date, called MainDate, which is the date that all departments need to have submitted the reports (Each department fills out these bi-weekly reports [approx 100 departments]), meaning that one complete set of 100 reports is entered every 2 weeks. Even though they are all entered at various dates within those 2 weeks, usually almost at the end of the 2 weeks, all of the reports will contain this MainDate and it will be the same for all departments every 2 weeks.

I'm looking for the easiest method to accomplish letting a user select these bi-weekly dates and making sure that the dates are correct, validation?.

Some thoughts I had
1) For instance, if typing in the bi-weekly dates, I want it so that they can only type in the dates of every 2 weeks, no other dates will be allowed.

** Best option in my opinion 2) Have a small calendar that expands when clicked right next to the MainDate field so that on the calendar you can only click on dates every 2 weeks, or have every 14 days a different color on the small box for the date. [the users seem to like the ease of using calendars, one of the reaons is is a good option in my opinion]

3) Have a dropdown? That shows the current date that is allowed to be selected based on some sort of 14 day interval cycle. (i.e. after 14 days of one cycle are up, the only option in the dropdown is to click the next MainDate, which will be exactly 14 days from that just passed.

Anyway to have this date automatically filled in after 14 since the last MainDate entry? Bi-Weekly reports are due every second Thursday.

Thanks in advance to any input you can offer
Local time
Today, 08:13
Jun 27, 2007
do i understand correctly, that in any given two weeK interval (thursday to thursday) there will only be one Maindate?

Because if this is the case, you should be able to avoid having your users input anything at all. Create a table with the main date for every two week interval. then have access select the proper maindate for today! this could even be based on the previously disregarded 'entrydate' which you could also have inputed automatically.
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