Show Data for this week only (1 Viewer)


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Today, 10:20
Sep 21, 2021

I have quite an extensive database which has many different types of data, I am looking to show on the front page only specific jobs which have a completion date in the current calendar week and older.
Currently it shows jobs completing in the month but I cannot seem to figure out how to do the week.

In the Query it looks like this


any help would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone fancies a future project I am looking for some help with the database moving forward, I have quite limited time and the database is ever changing!
Look at the DatePart() function.

TempVars("WeekNum").Value = DatePart("ww", Me.cboDates.Column(1))

Look at the DatePart() function.

TempVars("WeekNum").Value = DatePart("ww", Me.cboDates.Column(1))


It would need to show the current week and update automatically if possible.

(to be honest I am a total novice so this went over my head)
Does that field you showed us produce the correct week for each record?

If so, in the criteria area under it, copy the function you have and replace [AnticipatedFinishDate] with Date()
If you change to SQL view you can make the WHERE clause look like:
WHERE AnticipatedCompletionDate >= DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()), Day(Date()) - (WeekDay(Date(), 2) - 1))
  AND AnticipatedCompletionDate < DateAdd("d", 5, DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()), Day(Date()) - (WeekDay(Date(), 2) - 1)))

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