Cant get 'Like' to work (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:41
Jun 16, 2005
I have created a query thats initiated by a command button from a form and one of the criteria for the query is a 'Like' command.

On the form, various option buttons and combi-boxes determine the search criteria and put it into a hidden textbox. Then, the query is run based on the contents of that hidden textbox using 'Like'.

However, I cant seem to get the 'Like' command to work with the contents of the hidden [forms]![frmSearch].[txtSearchcriteria] field.

Do I need to edit the VB code on the form to format the text to include the Like '* prefix and *' suffix, or should my search box remain basic text and have the Like command in the query ??

I seem to have tried loads of variations incorporating the various components of the Like command (the asterisks, single quote marks and even the Like command itself) on either the Form field or query but nothing seems to work. Anyone have any ideas ??

Thanks chaps.


Local time
Today, 07:41
Jan 12, 2001
You would need to include the asterisks.

Like "*" & [Forms]![YourFormName].[YourControlName] & "*"

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