Can't zoom google maps

John Sh

Local time
Today, 19:23
Feb 8, 2021
I know this is a bit left of field but thought someone might have had some experience with this.
The form attached opens Google maps to the required address taken from a data table.
All works well except the zoom level isn't affected by the zoom setting and the basemap always comes up as "terrain" whilst set to "satellite".
Google does give a reasonable amount of help on this matter but they do not address the zoom and basemap problem to any great degree.
The location in the table is in a remote section of the Northern Territory so the map appears to be empty.
Clicking the "Satellite" view reveals the detail.


Try this:
sURL = ""

It's up to you to figure out the zoom. You may also want to consider building the url with the button instead of the current event.
Thank you. That's solved one of my problems.
Where did the "?t=k&q=" come from? If I remove the colon and insert my lat long it works fine.
Obviously this is just for testing purposes, the final result will be integrated into a module and called from many forms.
This url appeared on a few stack overflow posts regarding your issue:
This url appeared on a few stack overflow posts regarding your issue:
Many thanks. There's a wealth of information there and it's much easier to implement than way Google describe it.
You're welcome, I hope it keeps working for a while, that syntax appears to be an old version of how to build their URLs.
For details on zoom and much more, see my series of articles on annotating Google maps

There are numerous examples showing what you can do

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