Somewhere in the dark past, I acquired this bookmark. I spent endless hours, over the years, trying to figure it out. Never did. One day, I finally broke down and asked my wife. She immediately got it!!!
I've looked at your post a couple of times and it occurred to me it was something to do with tights. I asked chat GPT the following:-
Do you have any information on the following phrase
SpanX high knees - won't slide down
It sounds like you're referring to a product feature or review for Spanx, likely about their high-waisted leggings or tights that are designed to stay up without sliding down, even when you're active. Spanx is well-known for creating shapewear, leggings, and other apparel designed to offer support and a smooth silhouette. Their high-waisted products often include features like a high-grip waistband to ensure they stay in place, avoiding the common problem of sliding down. This makes them popular for both everyday wear and exercise.