favorite comedians


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Yesterday, 19:59
Oct 6, 2019
who are the comedians in England? I only know the American ones. Does anyone else have a favorite line from a stand up routine they've seen? I have a lot of favs but one of my favorite lines ever is from Dennis Miller's 2006 routine called "All In". He states (someone tell me if this is out of line and I need to delete it. It's all meant to be in fun):
Do you realize in the state of Vermont now they have equipped wilderness campsites with wireless internet access? It's mind boggling. And you know, it's a great idea because this way if I do go camping and I decide to take a hike, and I come across a form of plant life that I don't recognize...I can immediately run back to the campsite, log on to the internet, and begin masturbating furiously to pornography
Dennis Miller always struck me as limited because of his out-of-the-blue "blue" stuff. He's a shock-jock. I've always enjoyed Sinbad. His live shows are very clean. He can be funny without being vulgar.

As far as UK comedians, the best I've ever heard was Robert Leslie ("Bob") Hope. He's dead now but a very funny man with great timing.
I've always enjoyed Sinbad. His live shows are very clean. He can be funny without being vulgar.
I've never seen a stand up show by him but I loved him in the movie Houseguest. I have every stand up routine ever done by them on DVD for George Carlin, Robin Williams and Dennis Miller. I also have 1 show by Eddie Murphy, and I would say Eddie was the raunchiest comedian of his time. Plenty vulgar too. As a matter of fact, Eddie's film Eddie Murphy RAW held the record for the highest 'F' count for a long time. There's an entire wikipedia article written about the concept but I can't include it here cuz 'F' is in the URL.
I believe there's one man who could run for office where even the French would go "'F' off". And that man, is Jack Nicholson. Oh yeah baby. He's nuts. You'll never have a sex scandal with Jack 'cuz he has 'F'ed everyone!

-Robin Williams, "Weapons of Self Destruction"
Definitely old school but I always thought Dave Allen was a master of the art.
Definitely old school but I always thought Dave Allen was a master of the art.
Yes, I agree, a Very clever chap...

I'm afraid the snowflake generation is unable to produce comics of a similar calibre....

Sent from Newbury UK
One of my favorites is from the US, Haling from Iowa City, perhaps you know him?
One of my favorites is from the US, Haling from Iowa City, perhaps you know him?
??????????? does this mean what I think it means?

Richard / Tony,

Since you guys are of an older generation than me, perhaps you know of the late Don Rickles? Did you enjoy his work?
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Don Rickles? Not so much a comedian as a bully.
Wish Mitch Hedburg was still around. He made you look at things in a weird, different sort of way. Examples:
My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.
I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.
You know, I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with 'em later.
I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.
A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.
This shirt is "dry-clean only"...which means it's dirty.
Is a hippopotamus really a hippopotomus or just a really cool opotamus?
Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.
I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn't have one. So I got a cake.
My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.
I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.
You know, I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with 'em later.
I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.
A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.
This shirt is "dry-clean only"...which means it's dirty.
Is a hippopotamus really a hippopotomus or just a really cool opotamus?
Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.
I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn't have one. So I got a cake.
if I had to translate any of that into code, it would take the form of a 365 bit hash output. :rolleyes: I'm not following any of it, but to each his own.
here's another great one from Robin Williams that I like that is not so vulgar. Maybe someone else likes it too:

"if you'd like to talk to a person, press 1". beep.
"if you'd like to talk to someone in english, press 2". beep.
"are you sure you don't want to talk to someone in spanish?, press 3". beep.
"press 4 if you'd like to move to the next menu". beep.
"press 5 if you're getting somewhat irritated". beep.
"press 6 if you're my bi*ch". beep.
"press 7 you know you want to". beep.
"press 8 daddy, do it". beep.
"press 9". beep.
"what are the chances of talking to a real person? zero. press it". beep. beep. beep. beep.
"hello, did you want to talk to a real person"?

- Robin Williams, "Weapons of Self Destruction"
British comedians, yes definately Bob Hope and Charlie Chaplin.

Others are Dave Allen, Jimmy Tarbuck.

Sadly not too many American comics make it in the UK. I like a good comic who is not vulgar, there's no need for it if the comic is good. Bob Hope would never do it.

Col, we agree. Bob Hope was ALL about comic timing and gentle humor. A USA comic like that was Richard "Red" Skelton.
I loved Red Skelton and Bill Cosby growing up. I saw Cosby live and he was hilarious. This was pre Cosby Show and of course all the crap since. The "dentist" bit on his DVD is great. He became an embarrassment later in life. I saw Steve Martin live years ago and he was great (also a pretty good banjo player). Some of Sinbad's specials made my face hurt I laughed so hard. George Carlin had some classic bits.
He was OK though a bit controversial when he became "Geraldine." Back then, some folks thought that cross-dressers would be consigned to some lower level of Hell. Of course, they forgot Milton Berle and his antics in a dress.
Did any of you like Flip Wilson?

He was okay, I liked some of his stuff. I saw him live, sort of. There was a warm-up comedian that got into an ugly confrontation with a heckler. Flip came out later for his show, dressed as Geraldine. He didn't get but a couple of minutes into his show; you could see he was bothered. He stopped, took off his wig, apologized for the other comedian, and said he was so troubled he couldn't do the show. I felt bad for him as it was completely out of his control.
No mentions of Benny Hill, Monty Python? I remember back in high school they were virtually unknown in the U.S. They were shown late at night on a P.B.S. station (Before cable or internet). It was Benny Hill, the Paul Hogan show, then Monty Python.

edit: Now that I'm thinking of British comedy TV shows, What was the name of the show - Red something. It was about a space ship lost for 1000's of years. A guy being punished, for having a stow away cat and was cryogenically frozen, wakes up to find its just him and the cat, who evolved to a human like level, on the ship.
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