Solved Fill in 0 in crosstab query


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Today, 05:49
Sep 24, 2020
I have the following crosstab query which summarises the sale figures for each day. However I would like to have 0s in place of blanks.

When I try Nz() or IIF(null()) it doesn't work - probably because there are no rows to summarise for those days.

Any ideas how I can do this?
You need a datasource that generates those permutations of Dates and Sales Types.

Do you have a table with all the Dates you want to report on? Do you have a table with all the SAles Types you want to report on? What are the table names and corresponding field names?
I don't have table of all dates - dates shown are generated from date sale is created.

Yes I do have table of sales types - SupplyFit
Would you mind posting the sql statement for your crosstab query?
This is the CT query:

TRANSFORM Sum(qryDailyLeadsShort.CountOffldOrderID) AS SumOfCountOffldOrderID
SELECT lkptblDays.fldDay AS [Day], Format([cfdate],"dd-mmm") AS [Date]
FROM (lkptblSupplyFit INNER JOIN qryDailyLeadsShort ON lkptblSupplyFit.fldSupplyFitID = qryDailyLeadsShort.fldOSupplyFitID) INNER JOIN lkptblDays ON qryDailyLeadsShort.cfDay = lkptblDays.fldDayID
GROUP BY lkptblDays.fldDay, Format([cfdate],"dd-mmm")
ORDER BY Format([cfdate],"dd-mmm")
PIVOT lkptblSupplyFit.fldSupplyFit;

This is the underlying summary query:
SELECT Count(qryDailyLeadsFilter.fldOrderID) AS CountOffldOrderID, qryDailyLeadsFilter.fldOSupplyFitID, CDate(Format([fldocreated],"Short Date")) AS cfDate, Weekday([fldocreated]) AS cfDay
FROM qryDailyLeadsFilter
GROUP BY qryDailyLeadsFilter.fldOSupplyFitID, CDate(Format([fldocreated],"Short Date")), Weekday([fldocreated]);
Use the format property to show 0 instead of null

it would be


Or perhaps

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