Firing Two Events on the On Timer


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 06:41
Jun 13, 2003
I used to have a code to close the database itself after certain time. That worked well. But there were instances that this did not happen due to user closing the laptop or db being hung. Then I resorted to using an excellent code by MS which allowed me to shut the database completely. But I had to remove the earlier code and use only this one both these codes were working odd the on timer event. As a result now users do not close the database and that adds strain on concurrent usage.

Now I need to somehow merge both functionalities so that my system is turned off after a period of time and I am also able to close the DB for maintenance. I am not good at writing codes. Could some one help?

This is the code that closes the database after a period of inactivity.

Private Sub Form_Timer()

         ' IDLEMINUTES determines how much idle time to wait for before
         ' running the IdleTimeDetected subroutine.
         Const IDLEMINUTES = 40

         Static PrevControlName As String
         Static PrevFormName As String
         Static ExpiredTime

         Dim ActiveFormName As String
         Dim ActiveControlName As String
         Dim ExpiredMinutes

         On Error Resume Next

         ' Get the active form and control name.

         ActiveFormName = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
         If err Then
            ActiveFormName = "No Active Form"
            err = 0
         End If

         ActiveControlName = Screen.ActiveControl.Name
            If err Then
            ActiveControlName = "No Active Control"
            err = 0
         End If

         ' Record the current active names and reset ExpiredTime if:
         '    1. They have not been recorded yet (code is running
         '       for the first time).
         '    2. The previous names are different than the current ones
         '       (the user has done something different during the timer
         '        interval).
         If (PrevControlName = "") Or (PrevFormName = "") _
           Or (ActiveFormName <> PrevFormName) _
           Or (ActiveControlName <> PrevControlName) Then
            PrevControlName = ActiveControlName
            PrevFormName = ActiveFormName
            ExpiredTime = 0
            ' ...otherwise the user was idle during the time interval, so
            ' increment the total expired time.
            ExpiredTime = ExpiredTime + Me.TimerInterval
         End If

         ' Does the total expired time exceed the IDLEMINUTES?
         ExpiredMinutes = (ExpiredTime / 1000) / 55
         If ExpiredMinutes >= IDLEMINUTES Then
            ' ...if so, then reset the expired time to zero...
            ExpiredTime = 0
            ' ...and call the IdleTimeDetected subroutine.
            IdleTimeDetected ExpiredMinutes
         End If
      End Sub

   Sub IdleTimeDetected(ExpiredMinutes)
         'Dim Msg As String
         'Msg = "No user activity detected in the last "
         'Msg = Msg & ExpiredMinutes & " minute(s)!"
         'MsgBox Msg, 48
         Application.Quit A_SAVE
   End Sub

This is the code which turns off database.
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    ' Set Count Down variable to false
    ' on the initial opening of the form.
    boolCountDown = False
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Timer
    Dim strFileName As String
    strFileName = Dir("\\Nnorsogfas031\Zircon\chkfile.ozx")
    If boolCountDown = False Then
        ' Do nothing unless the check file is missing.
        If strFileName <> "chkfile.ozx" Then
            ' The check file is not found so
            ' set the count down variable to true and
            ' number of minutes until this session
            ' of Access will be shut down.
            boolCountDown = True
            intCountDownMinutes = 2
        End If
        ' Count down variable is true so warn
        ' the user that the application will be shut down
        ' in X number of minutes.  The number of minutes
        ' will be 1 less than the initial value of the
        ' intCountDownMinutes variable because the form timer
        ' event is set to fire every 60 seconds
        intCountDownMinutes = intCountDownMinutes - 1
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAppShutDownWarn"
        Forms!frmAppShutDownWarn!txtWarning = "Zircon will be shut down in approximately " & intCountDownMinutes & " minute(s).  Please save all work. Pl check back in 10 minutes"
        If intCountDownMinutes < 1 Then
            ' Shut down Access if the countdown is zero,
            ' saving all work by default.
            Application.Quit acQuitSaveAll
        End If
    End If

    Exit Sub

    Resume Next
End Sub

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