Giant Homer Simpson Freaks Out English Countryside (1 Viewer)


Registered Something.
Local time
Yesterday, 20:17
Oct 29, 2006

The publicity team behind "The Simpsons" movie, which premieres in the United Kingdom next week, has taken its marketing campaign to a whole new level — one that has enraged members of the British public.

A 180-foot-tall drawing of Homer Simpson has appeared on a hill in the English countryside, right next to the famed Cerne Abbas Giant, a well-known British landmark.......


Local time
Yesterday, 21:17
Aug 26, 2002
It just shows what I wa telling on the «shooting» thread.

Why didn't American asked before doing it? They came in and expect it to be accepted by the British. I am pretty sure that it would have been more accepted if they had talked about it first, because I am certain that, beyond publicity, they did this as an honor to the giant. But they came in and did it without telling anyone and now they wonder why the British are upset.

I think that the idea is very good. But the lack of consultation is very bad.

As for the British, instead of taking it as an insult, tell the Americans that you would have liked to be consulted, and recognise that it might be more than just plain publicity. I am sure the thought was there, but they never took the time to explain it.

And, after all, they didn't touch the giant and the paint used is removable.


not feeling witty atm
Local time
Yesterday, 18:17
Feb 13, 2007
Why didn't American asked before doing it?

I didn't read anywhere in the article where it said that it had been done by an American, or that it had been done without permission, and it did say it had been commissioned. That said, the whole situation is pretty funny. I liked the reader's comment who suggested it looked like they're playing ringtoss...:p


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 18:17
Nov 8, 2005
this is the first i have heard of this - and to have a comment from a druid and use this as an example of the english outrage . a little thin -

We brits love having the piss taken out of us, as long as we can do it back .

if you look at the irish jokes and in the end the irish are laughing better lifestyle - a proper beer (or liquid food- Guiness), we poke fun at the jocks -(Scottish, and they have a go back) same with wales - its genreally give and take

what would be the case if we put Grommit and Walace on mt rushmoor (the one with the carving even if it was painted- i think there would be a few tantrums, rightly so as well..

no i take this as cleveer humor fitting for the Brit sense of humor - to take a druid comments into any real substance - this si just for the papers to report ..
it brough a smile to my face.:D


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Yesterday, 21:17
Feb 12, 2007
what would be the case if we put Grommit and Walace on mt rushmoor (the one with the carving even if it was painted- i think there would be a few tantrums, rightly so as well..
Might liven it up a bit. the guys on mt rushmore are a bit stiff....get it??:D :D :p

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