Goodbye vBulletin and thank you for the memories


Access World Site Owner
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Today, 07:15
Sep 28, 1999
I've made a decision, we are switching to Xenforo. It is time for something fresh, a software with a modern look and feel together with a range of improvements.

I have started speaking to a couple of different specialists in migrating forums, and will then choose who I think is the best. After much deliberation, I've decided against doing it myself, just in case something goes wrong, or I did not get a setting right. This will reduce the chances of messing up 301 redirects, which would otherwise increase the risk of losing our Google rankings. We still may lose rank, but at least I am doing my best not to!

So, I aim to do the switchover as soon as possible. How soon depends on the migration specialists I speak to and when they can get moving on it.

After we change platforms, I know things will feel a bit different. All I ask is that you give it a bit of time to get used to the new software. Everything seems a bit awkward at first, as you get used to a new way of doing things, but at least there is considerable similarity between the platforms.

Here's to fingers crossed (and everything else).
per our conversation Jon, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got. Unless of course the mods decide they don't want me around anymore....
I'm going to try to get in touch with another forum migration expert today. The first one I contacted wanted $300, even though their blurb said "starting from" for a forum this size. The other guy has fixed prices, so that is defined up front and I like that. Otherwise, I will do it myself!
Following further discussion with moderators over at the Xenforo forum, I am probably going to have a go at migrating the forum myself. It appears - according to them - easier than I thought. If all goes pear shaped, I always have backups.
since there is noone else saying anything in this thread Jon, I wish you luck on it. I hope we don't get a multitude of "database error" messages that we sometimes see here when navigating to any given page initially. ;)
Thanks. I've got a massive todo list of things to prepare before doing the migration. But I can't wait to get started. Hopefully I will get moving on this in a few hours.
Found this post while trying to find a Post where Jon mentioned Anki cards.

The search failed for some reason. Thinking about it, it might have been on the other site!

I'd like to say well done Jon. I think you made the right decision, this site is fantastic, a pleasure to use and moderate!
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Glad you like it. It was a bit of a bitch converting over but everything is better here (except perhaps Search). Better security, interface is great, themes, blah blah.
Glad you like it. It was a bit of a bitch converting over but everything is better here (except perhaps Search). Better security, interface is great, themes, blah blah.
Well done, for all the work over the years to keep the forum on.
except perhaps Search

To be clear, the search facility is brilliant. I just couldn't find a thread on Anki flash cards, which I recall Jon mentioned.

I wanted to add to it, that I installed Anki for Android recently and note that if I select a word, I am offered the usual choices like Copy, Define and now I've got add Card to Anki. ....

Makes it easy to build and add to a flash card set .....

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