Hello (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:06
Jun 14, 2015
Hello all,

I am not a developer, but a Business Analyst. The limits of my Access knowledge were from a class taught almost 20 years ago, so I am looking forward to getting help here.

I have a few questions. Please forgive me if I am not asking them in the right place and let me know where to move the questions.

1. How do I mark a thread as solved?
2. Would any of you like to share how you sharpened your Access skills if it was in addition to work? Did you read a lot, review sample databases, etc.? I was thinking of trying to re-create some of the issues in this forum and resolve by the advice given.


Wino Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 08:06
Aug 30, 2003

1) In Thread Tools choose Edit Thread, and then change the prefix.
2) Personally I learn better by doing, so it was pretty much beating my head against problems (with tons of help from forums) until I figured things out.


Longboard on the internet
Local time
Today, 08:06
Sep 12, 2017

Sounds like you've already figured out the best use for this forum... answering other's questions so you get better at using ACCESS!


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:06
Feb 28, 2001
As a long-time programmer and developer (of more than just databases) I can tell you that the best way to learn in the practical sense is to see how others approach a problem and test that against your <instincts, common sense, logic, gut, phase of the moon> - whatever you use to decide that something is good, better, best, or the other direction. You learn to put things in your "tool chest" of useful code, principles, concepts, methods, etc. You learn to analyze problems against the light of other people's viewpoints and in the process learn how to "sharpen your pencil" when attacking new problems. It is a life-long iterative process.

For what it is worth, questions of this general nature go in the "General" section. But since they were non-specific, the intro area isn't terrible either.

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