Help on table structure (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 21:11
Jan 18, 2008
Good morning,

since this is my first post I hope I'm not making to many mistakes.

I'm making a database for school in Access 2003. In this database I have 2 parts.. A part for Patch connections and a part for PC repairs. The PC repair part is doing okay. The patch part is where I'm having some trouble.

I don't exactly know how to start with it, and I'm hoping someone here can help me out.

The form, I want to make based on tables should look something like this:

A ComboBox filled from a table with about 10 entries in it. (Patchkasten)
A textfield in which I have to enter something like this: XX-00 (x stands for alphabetic - 0 stands for nummeric)(Patchnummer) This will have around ~3000 entries.

Those 2 should somehow be connected in a table as 1 field. (if that is possible offcourse)
If not, is there another way to do something like this, because the combination of (patchkasten)and(patchnummer) has to be unique..

And at last a combobox (ruimte) with around ~ 150-200 entries.

Now my question is if someone could help me setting this up somehow. Help would be appriciated.


Last edited:


Local time
Today, 20:11
Dec 4, 2002
If you want to ensure that the combination of (patchkasten)and(patchnummer) is unique, then you can apply a multifield index to these two fields and set the attribute to Indexed, No duplicates. Look in Access help for help on this. You can combine the two fields in a query or form for display purposes but it is better to keep the two fields separate in the table.

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