Holocaust denial (1 Viewer)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Feb 28, 2001
Because of issues in recognizing sovreignty, we cannot ALWAYS go in blindly and shoot any government guy with his hand out waiting for someone to grease the skids. Damn shame. And when we DO go in and shoot the corrupt government types, (a) we get soundly castigated and (b) the corrupt government types quickly get replaced by more corrupt government types. Never-ending battle.

I won't name names and I won't name departments, but there are even a few USA guys who always seem to have their hands out for skid-greasing. I'd love to grease them up really well.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 03:51
Sep 12, 2006
in germany and some other european countries, holocaust denial is a criminal offence

David Irvng (i think) was trying to sell some nazi memorabilia (naz e-bay they called it) The Daily mail today said sale of such stuff is illegal in germany also.

Personally, I would prefer not to have censorship


similar thing in preventing some occupations being members of BNP - a legal political party in UK

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