how to refer checkbox in a tabcontrol?


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Yesterday, 18:05
Nov 8, 2015

I made a tab control called TabCtl54 which has a pages named hello world and hello earth. I have a checkbox named 14 place on the page hello earth.

I placed a textbox called txtbx on the form.

Now I want a vba code that would change the backcolor of txtbx to yellow when the checkbox 14 is true.

Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.TabCtl54.Value = 1
If 14 = True Then
txtbx.BackColor = vbYellow
End If
End Sub

I get no error in runtime, except that the txtbx doesn't change color when the checkbox is checked.
Do only use numbers for control name - so rename the checkbox to Check14 - and use the Me. in front of the controls.
If [B][COLOR=Red]Me.Check[/COLOR][/B]14 = True Then 
[B][COLOR=Red]  Me.[/COLOR][/B]txtbx.BackColor = vbYellow 
End If
Do only use numbers for control name - so rename the checkbox to Check14 - and use the Me. in front of the controls.
If [B][COLOR=Red]Me.Check[/COLOR][/B]14 = True Then 
[B][COLOR=Red]  Me.[/COLOR][/B]txtbx.BackColor = vbYellow 
End If

CHEERS MATE!!!!!!!!!Finally I can have a peaceful coffee break :D
It worked but when I move to the next record which has the check14 unchecked but the txtbx is still yellow..tried pasting the code in before and after luck..:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Then you need the else part of the If structure.

If Me.Check14 = True Then
  [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]Me.[/COLOR][/COLOR]txtbx.BackColor = vbYellow
  Me.txtbx.BackColor = vbBlack
End If
or simply:

Me.txtbx.BackColor = IIF(Me.check14, vbYellow, vbBlack)

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