How to store an InputBox value in a field (in a form) as DefaultValue (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:22
Sep 12, 2004
Hello, friends.

I'd like to store a value I typed in an InputBox inside a field, in a form (something like default value). Is this possible?

That's the deal...

I have a form and it has 2 fields: Date and Name (with a dropdown).

I have names of people who were present in an assembly. When I start recording these names (in the form), the date will be the same for all of them, and the point is I don't want to type the same date for each new record.

So, I'd like to do this... For example:

- I have a list of people who were present in an assembly on September 11,
- I click on a button to open the specific form,
- Before the form is opened, an InputBox appears,
- I type the date for the assembly in this InputBox and press OK,
- The InputBox is closed and the form is opened,
- I click on "New record" button and the field DATE is automatically filled with that date I typed in the InputBox,
- Then I just select a name in the field NAME (dropdown) and click on "Save" button (or "New record").

Then, while this form is opened and as long as I create new records in it, the field DATE should always return the date I've typed in that InputBox.

When I close this form, that InputBox value can be cleared. And, every time I click the button to open that form again, that InputBox appears first (blank, with no value). So, when I have a new list of the assembly of September 18, for example, I'll do the same steps above. And so on.

Is this possible?

This InputBox is a way I thought about to solve my problem, But maybe you guys know something easier, I don't know. If so, new solutions are welcome.


Other thing... After all that stuff about the date... Instead of using a dropdown for the field NAME (to record one-by-one), is there a way to bring, in the form, all the names I have recorded and then I mark YES (in a field Y/N that should be created) for those who were in the assembly? How could I do this?

Thank you very much for the attention.




Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:22
Sep 12, 2004

Gonna check it out, buddy.

Thanks a lot for your attention. :)


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