I don't blame the Democrats... (1 Viewer)

... if needed use the military to squash any uprising and enforce the law of the land on any rogue state of the union.
Unbelievable. Democrats only pass/enforce "laws" that support their political agenda. You are clearly speeding down that one-way road to totalitarianism.
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@FrankRuperto, please explain why would the police support a party that thinks they are racist and want to defund them? Second, you still haven't answered why no police organizations supported Biden for president.

I'll wait for your non-answer.
Unbelievable. Democrats only pass/enforce "laws" that support their political agenda. You are clearly speeding down that one-way road to totalitarianism.
If we don't do it, republicans will, so better us now that we have the power. You had the opportunity these last 4 years and look at what a disaster that turned out to be. So never again we are going to allow this country to fall out of grace.
If we don't do it, republicans will, so better us now that we have the power.
If the Republicans did what you claim, how is that the Democrats are now in charge and purging conservatives?
Simple, the Republicans didn't do what you falsely claim.
Jon, I honestly don't put much blame on most average-joe American democrats, either. A lot of it is pure ignorance fed by misinformation.

As always in free and democratic countries, continuing to engage in free dialogue (where the truth eventually comes out), is the key. So we fight to preserve free dialogue, and it's a difficult - and worthwhile - fight.
You would most likely think differently if you lived in America and observed local behaviour regardless of what the media publishes. There is deep-seated racism in this country and that treachery must be vigorously stamped out. It's inmoral and wrong. Notice how I have not commented on the EU or UK's political and cultural affairs, despite hearing negative press like the Meghan and Harry scandal with Buckingham Palace, Brexit, etc.
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What would you do if you were President,
I would not go on national television and invite them to come and offer them free stuff. I would specifically not invite unaccompanied minors. That is downright evil. America has always officially welcomed immigrants and there have always been problems when large groups come all at once. Assimilation is much easier when the flow is slow and steady. The Marxists want us divided rather than united. That's why they discourage assimilation. How else could they foment racism. America is the ultimate melting pot but only if we allow and encourage people to assimilate. Remember that pesky motto - e pluribus unum. That is the exact opposite of what you want to do. You want to slice and dice people by immutable characteristics and Balkanize the entire country. Bigotry is alive and well and you are infused with it. Bigots are always afraid of different people and want to exclude them. Listen to your own rhetoric. Don't you see the hateful fear in it?
and provide them boarding to alliviate the overcrowding.
That's not how it works Frank. YOU invited them in. How many are YOU adopting? WHY should I be required to pay for YOUR virtue signaling? If I could save the world, I would do it in a heartbeat. But I can't save the world. Have you ever flown on an airplane? Perhaps you don't remember the instructions. Put on your own mask FIRST. You can's save anyone else if you are dead.
None of what you say has worked, or would work.
Trump's policies were working. And he was trying to get Congress to fix laws that were unfair. That's what caused the whole bruhaha over the kids in cages a few years ago. Trump merely enforced ALL the laws on the books. He knew it would cause an uproar but he didn't expect what he got. I'm sorry he backed down. He should have stood his ground and made Congress come together and actually FIX the problem. He did it because he knew that ONLY Congress could actually fix the problem because we needed to change the law, NOT circumvent it. The job of the Executive Branch is to ENFORCE the law, not pick and choose which laws they want to enforce as Biden is doing with his Executive Orders and which they choose to ignore. You know what IS UNFAIR? Having rules for some people that don't apply to others. Do you think you wouldn't be prosecuted for identity theft? OK, maybe YOU wouldn't but I sure would. YOU wouldn't be prosecuted for rioting and looting and destruction of property but I would. Once we start enforcing laws selectively, we have devolved to a banana republic. In this country, we change the laws that don't work. We DO NOT SELECTIVELY enforce them.
What was offensive was Trump labeling all Mexicans as rapists, drug dealers, scum, etc.
You haven't bothered to find the text of Trump's speech. The whole speech. Put the words in context. Why? Because you prefer to believe what CNN and the other criminally biased news outlets tell you because it fits your narrative. When you cut and paste and take phrases out of context, you can make anyone say anything. If I had nothing better to do, I could make you sound like a lunatic Republican. Go find "Charlottesville" while you're at it. Once you see how the media manipulated just these two speeches, maybe, just maybe you'll wonder why they have to misreport what Trump says. Why do they "interpret" for us, tell us what he actually meant rather than simply reporting what he actually said? Doesn't he say idiotic things all by himself? Why would the media need to selectively edit his speeches? Just ask yourself that one, single question. When what he said wasn't evil, why do they have to manipulate his words to make him sound evil? Maybe, just maybe he isn't actually evil at all. Granted he does say some stupid stuff but that is his stream of consciousness style. Unlike politicians, he doesn't spend hours every day practicing answers to questions in front of a mirror.
and continue by trying to restrict voting rights, intentionally spread the covid virus,
I thought you were moderately intelligent. "Restrict voting"? Is that what cleaning the voter roles so dead people can't vote does? Or is it that black people are just to stupid to be able to get a photo ID? Who's the bigot here? This is the bigotry of low expectations. One of my coworkers is a Canadian citizen with a residency visa. He renewed his driver's license and when he got back to the office, he realized that they had automatically registered him to vote. Being an honest person, he went back and made them change it. But he could have just left it and voted instead. Is that what you want? That is what HR1 will do, in fact, that is its intention. No human being would deliberately spread COVID. Except maybe the leader of China. If you cared, you could find out what he did to ensure that COVID escaped Wuhan and spread throughout the world. Just a summary:
--China cornered the market on PPE so by the time we realized we needed it, the cost had dramatically increased. Trump got to work and convinced American companies to retool and make the necessary equipment here in the US.
--He shut down the internal China flights into and out of Wuhan but he allowed the international flights to continue.
--He obstructed the efforts of other countries to block flights into and out of the Wuhan region. So did Joe by the way. He called Trump a racist for trying to block incoming flights from infected areas.
--Was Trump a racist for blocking flights from infected areas? Please answer that question specifically. If he was not, then was Biden a traitor for obstructing Trump?

I watch both CNN and Fox, and they both carefully screen
All news outlets are biased. All people are biased. The difference comes to when they are presenting news. News is not opinion. We should have no idea of the opinion of the reporter. Nor are we interested. We want the facts - who what where when. Eventually we might know how and why but that won't ever be in the initial reporting. To ASSUME that the shooting in Georgia was a hate crime is simply asinine and NOT reporting at all. NOTHING was known about motive. The reporters were ASSUMING because the perpetrator was white he had a grudge against Asians since some of the victims were Asian, it MUST BE A HATE CRIME!!!! Has anyone corrected that reporting or apologized for it? How about the more recent mass shooting. No one called that a hate crime. But the man was a Muslim who initial reporting said was white because of the video of him being arrested,. Couldn't he he have a grudge against white people? Oh, but Muslims can't commit hate crimes. All the victims were white. How could it be a hate crime? Now that we've had a statement from the Muslim, it sure sounds like a hate crime to me but no news outlet is calling it a hate crime. No apologies/retractions for any of the miss reporting. Just leave the false statements out there in the either where they will circulate for years un fact-checked because the un-fact checked version fits the narrative of the left.

Trump and many Republicans are certified white supremacist bigots who are prejudiced against all Mexicans, Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims in America and abroad. They will be our Democratic allies when the civil war errupts, and again we will win.
Looks to me like the Democrats are the bigots. You're the ones who want to keep blacks on the plantation. You're the ones who think they're too stupid to be able to get a photoID in place of a driver's license. You're the ones who keep selling the "vote for us and we'll give you free stuff" plan. You're the ones who have destroyed the black family unit with Johnson's programs that discourage keeping the family in tact. You're the ones who place Planned Parenthood clinics in inner cities. All the better to get the blacks to kill off their own race. Margaret Sanger would be so proud. She actually succeeded. Well, that's all falling apart. Some uppity blacks have stopped drinking the cool aid and that is why you have to open the borders to import replacements and that is why you have to make them citizens at all costs. Simply give them driver's license and let the DMV bureaucracy do your dirty work for you.
We're going to give Trump and several conspirators a speedy trial
Oh yeah, that's another thing the Democrats have done away with in their Marxist utopia, "innocent until proven guilty" and all other forms of due process. Kinda' like the lynching's of old. Democrats never change, except that they've traded their white robes and pointed hats for all black with balaclavas. KKK, Antifa. That's the white and the black of it but they are still Democrats under their robes.
There is deep-seated racism in this country and that treachery must be vigorously stamped out. It's inmoral and wrong.
I agree that it is immoral and wrong but what planet do you live on? But deep-seated racism? Only in the Democrat party. You are the ones pushing the idea that people should be judged by the color of their skin not the content of their character. MLK must be rolling over in his grave. I'm pretty sure that his statues will have to go soon. His ideas don't conform to the intersectionality insanity the Democrats are pushing.

Hire people because of immutable characters. Let's go find a midget ( or small person if you prefer) as our new center for the Celtics. Biden's cabinet picks are almost as stupid as that.
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You can spread all the lies and hypocrisy you want, we are in charge now.

trump and the republicans downplayed the corona virus, which caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, and continue to intentionally spread the virus by not wearing masks and not getting vaccinated.

trump and the republicans downplayed the january 6th insurrection at the capitol building which caused death and destruction.

For those actions, trump and the republicans are forever branded as Domestic Terrorists, Traitors, Enemies Of The State, and will be severely punished.
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please explain why would the police support a party that thinks they are racist and want to defund them? Second, you still haven't answered why no police organizations supported Biden for president.

I'll wait for your non-answer.
We're not interested in police supporting Biden or Democrats. Those who act like racist thugs deserve to be criminally prosecuted.

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