Is Turkey (NATO member) buying Oil from ISIS? (1 Viewer)


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Yesterday, 23:55
Oct 22, 2009
This isn't new, but since the Paris Tragedy it has begun to be discussed more openly.
As many of our countries send troops in harm's way, it is interesting that we also send troops (and money) to support Turkey.

Basically: Yesterday, Russia claimed to have published proof that the Turkish president and his family were benefitting from the illegal smuggling of oil from ...
Of course, it isn't only Russia making the claim. Turkey journalist who exposed the story were rounded up and put into solitary confinement (at the least). There is a well respected US university professor who specialize in Russia / Turkey Studies in New York discussing this on media interviews.

Since Turkey is a member of NATO receiving support from the West, this becomes a sticky situation. However, Turkey was given military support to fight ISIS. Reports show Turkey keep missing ISIS (every time) and somehow keep bombing the Kurds. The Kurds are an ancient foe of Turkey that have been fighting ISIS.

For the UK this is one such story:

For the US, this story has photos, links, eye witness and stories from the UK, Australia, and more.

Personally, I think the Turkey citizens are not to blame.
However, if there is corruption involved, how should this be addressed?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 01:55
Jul 5, 2006
Based on what I have read, Turkey should be kicked-out of NATO so that the US (and other NATO) countries can get-off the political liability that Turkey has become. James A. Lyons (in a Washington Times article below) adds credence that Turkey is political liability as he surmises that Turkey many be attempting to instigate an incident between NATO and Russia. The oil issue is noted by Lyons. Furthermore, Turkey has demonstrated that it is not an ally in the fight against ISIS by showing virtually no interest in defeating ISIS. The oil story, if true, would be one example of clandestine Turkish support for ISIS. Another example, Turkey bombed Kurdish forces instead of ISIS.

Washington Times article: A contrived shoot-down?. In that article, Mr. Lyons wrote:
"There is no question that we have a convoluted, multifaceted situation in Syria. Turkey is an ally of the so-called Free Syrian Army rebel opposition group fighting Russia’s ally, President Bashar Assad. Turkey, according to Vladimir Putin, is also an ally of the Islamic State, or ISIS. He bases his claim on the fact that ISIS reportedly smuggles large volumes of oil via known trade routes going almost exclusively through Turkey. Further, it has been known since 2014 that ISIS supply lines originate in Turkey and, according to one German reporter, Tony Cartalucci, hundreds of trader trucks per day transit Turkey to support ISIS.

Since ISIS is a sworn enemy of the United States and Mr. Obama’s latest strategy is to “contain and destroy” ISIS, the question must be raised: Why hasn’t Mr. Obama demanded that Mr. Erdogan cut not only the ISIS supply lines going through Turkey, but also terminate its purchase of black market oil? Another question: After a 16-month U.S. air campaign to destroy ISIS, why haven’t the organization’s oil facilities been destroyed? Why are we now just getting around to destroying ISIS’ oil trucks?
A case can be made that Mr. Erdogan of Turkey provoked this incident in an attempt to bring NATO into a direct conflict with Russia in the confused multifaceted conflict in Syria and Iraq, thereby, moving to the Muslim Brotherhood’s sixth phase of total war. If this, in fact, was the objective, then Mr. Erdogan’s contrived shoot-down failed, and Turkey must be put on notice that its status as a NATO ally is in jeopardy."
(emphasis added)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:55
Feb 11, 2013
the scene in the middle east will come to a well orchestrated ending. Turkey Russia, Iran.......

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