Solved LAN question (1 Viewer)

That's the answer I was looking for. Thanks.
I am not sure shipping it to them would be a good idea though TBH. I can see that getting thrown about in transit despite any Fragile stickers? :(
I'm not making a 1200 mile round trip to deliver it by hand. I'm buying it online. I'll have it shipped to me so I can set it up and then ship it to them.

Don't hold your breath. I have to install my app tomorrow and test it. Then I need to ship it off to the client but I may do some more work on the app before sending it. So, at least a week, possibly two.
Please report back here on how it worked out. If you give a favorable review, Ill be buying one next...
I also have a Buffalo Linkstation (single disk) that I was given by one of my old bosses.
Not used it too much TBH, but it has worked fine when I have used it.
Now you have brought this up I might well use it more. :)

Don't hold your breath. I have to install my app tomorrow and test it. Then I need to ship it off to the client but I may do some more work on the app before sending it. So, at least a week, possibly two.
Good morning Pat, any results you care to share?
I have the device working at home. It was easy to set up. I have not shipped it off to the client yet so the test is not complete. I have a meeting with them later in the week so they can test the app on a single computer before I send the final version.

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