Left wing reporting articles read just so .... ridiculous (1 Viewer)


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 02:08
Mar 14, 2017

Check out this article.

First they claim it's not what it appears to be, then confirm it actually DID happen and was exactly what it appeared to be, then say there is "no evidence that...a movement is underway...to convince migrants.." - despite this piece of evidence that we just admitted actually WAS THERE.

I mean does anyone read this contradictory nonsense and actually believe it? MSNBC does this a lot too.

Headline: "It didn't really happen".
Body: "It really happened, yes, BUT, there is no evidence to suggest that such a thing happened".

I really question the state of mind of people who live and die by liberal newsmedia reporting - there has GOT to be something, no offense intended, wrong with their reasoning abilities? Or what else is the explanation?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 05:08
Feb 19, 2002
I mean does anyone read this contradictory nonsense and actually believe it?
At least half the country believes it. Either they are too lazy to read beyond the talking points (because they confirm the reader's bias) or their memory is too short to remember what the talking heads said yesterday.

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