Memory Error (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:30
Sep 1, 2002
I've been getting the following error on my A97 db even before deployment, but now of course is still unresolved and has become a nuisance to users:
There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again.
I'm only using 2 forms, and the error only occurs when opening the main data-entry form (which admittedly is pretty loaded with controls).

Any ideas how to manage, diagnose, or prevent this error? It really doesn't make sense to me since a user can have multiple applications open without triggering the error.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:30
Feb 28, 2001
Memory errors can come from a variety of sources.

The reference to "free memory" tells me that Access wants to change its size but can't. This points me to two places at the same time.

First, physical memory. How big are the machines in terms of physical RAM?

Second, swap-file space. You cannot expand a program if you haven't got enough swap space to hold it if it has to swap.

Now, .... third issue. If this application
a) opens lots of recordsets,
b) opens many queries or many nested queries (even worse),
c) involves lots of optional sub-forms on a master form,
d) involves large OLE objects,
e) spawns lots of tasks with the Shell function,
f) creates a dynamically sized array the size of the grand canyon
g) involves linked tables in several external files

Fourth, if the computers have too high a color resolution set for the application's needs, the windows needed to hold that resolution grow geometrically. (Any PC Gamer would know this one...) For instance, having a display card that would handle 32-bit TrueColor but the application never uses more than 16K different colors... or even maybe 256 colors (ye Gods!) . If it is Access and nothing else is really running, you might well get along with 256 colors.

ANY of the above will eat your socks, memory-wise.

The solution is to find out which of the above you are doing, then don't do it that way any more.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:30
Sep 1, 2002

Many thanks for your response. I'll try to diagnose from here.

On your first comment, yes, my main data-entry form is opened in Hidden mode on launch of the app, then obviously becomes Visible on user command, which is when error is triggered.

On point 2, I'll need to read up on swap-file space - unfamiliar territory for me

On point 3, I think a) and g) will be the only ones coming into play here - it's a split db with many table links, linking to essentially 2 external db files (backend is a centralized mix of tables from 3 other db's)

Points 1 and 4 I'll look into as well.


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