I have a button on a form which runs an append query. The button code is:
When I press the button I get two message boxes:
"You are about to run an append query..."
"You are about to append ?? rows."
If I run the query direct from the query I only get the second box. I want the second message box so is there any other way to run the query from the form and only get the second message box?
Thank you
Private Sub cbUpdateRecords_Click()
On Error GoTo cbUpdateRecords_Click_Err
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryFertApplnGroup", acViewNormal, acEdit
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume cbUpdateRecords_Click_Exit
End Sub
When I press the button I get two message boxes:
"You are about to run an append query..."
"You are about to append ?? rows."
If I run the query direct from the query I only get the second box. I want the second message box so is there any other way to run the query from the form and only get the second message box?
Thank you