Money Talks!


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 18:29
Mar 14, 2017
It's been said "money talks".

If so, what does it say??

Four simple words we see every day:

The ability of money to talk is rapidly diminishing.
In 1970 an item that cost $1.00 now would cost $7.88 for an inflationary decline (in value) of 687.9%
Soon our $$$ will be unable to talk due to laryngitis

The ability of money to talk is rapidly diminishing.
In 1970 an item that cost $1.00 now would cost $7.88 for an inflationary decline (in value) of 687.9%
Soon our $$$ will be unable to talk due to laryngitis

As long as the amount of money available keeps pace with the price increases, it's just a number.
I don't know how much in God we trust anymore Richard. I myself pay cash for a lot of things. Oh to be back in the days when the cash was first created and God fearing men were running things...

I don't know how much they would think of the LGBT community, but I'm sure it wouldn't be as bad as it is now in the elephants.
Cash has always been misunderstood. Actual hard currency is just a symbol used to balance values between two disparate things by somehow assigning a numeric value in common units (of cash). There is a part of monetary theory that says that the value of something is measured by how much work we put into it. Gold and silver coinage are merely symbols representing specific amounts of that work.

Before strict economists jump on my stuff, I know there are other models. I like this one. Besides, since I used this idea in one of my novels for my writing hobby, I had to look into it a bit. At least one model says that money is just an accounting unit and that some folks incorrectly assign value to it when in fact it inherently has no value other than that which is assigned to it.

Got doubts? Look at international money exchanges and contemplate that at the moment, the Russian Ruble is worth 0.011 dollars. That is the value currently assigned to the Russian Ruble.

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