

Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 21:21
Jun 9, 2009
I have a calendar that someone made for me on Access. It used MSComCtl2.MonthView.2 to display 3 months in a row. MS no longer supplies MSComCtl2.MonthView.2 so I have to download the mscomct2.ocx every time I by a new computer. This time I was not able to get it registered, computer could not, my tech on internet who has done it for me before can't either. 1. does somebody here want to go on Teamviewer and try it. I am willing to pay. 2. Does anybody know a 3 month view calendar that weeks with access that I could switch to?
I am looking into other calendars in case I can’t rectify this problem. I have download One Calendar, but I can’t find any documentation or tutorial about it. The learning curve is terrible. Trying to enter data in a date, it says first disable filter, but have not found anything on how to disable filter.

Can I import data from my Access calendar into One Calendar?

Any suggestion about other calendars.

I hate the thought of loosing 20 years of calendar data.
I presume you have moved to a 64bit windows now? This link says it can be installed as long as you are using 32bit Office.
FWIW when you have downloaded a copy, save it, then no need to download again?


Edit: If you do have your old computers to hand see here for the file

What did it look like in Tools/References ?
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I just went over you post again. I probable misread it the first time. Yes I wanted a computer with a solid state hard drive and it came with 64 bit. I have Office 365 so I am assuming it came with 64 bit office. If that is correct how could I use 32 bit office? Also what does FWIW stand for?
I cannot help with 365 or 64bit, sorry, I only have 32 bit both Office 2007 and Windows 32bit on this computer and a 64bit windows on another laptop.
I would have just had an SSD added/replaced my hard disk on my existing computer, due to cost considerations?

FWIW is an acronym for 'For What It's Worth'
Can anybody pick up where Gasman left off? It's a pain having to switch computers every time I need to go to my calendar.
You may need to find a modern calendar that is not dependent on older .ocx files.
Can anybody pick up where Gasman left off? It's a pain having to switch computers every time I need to go to my calendar.
Have you tried putting it in the wow64 folder and registering as per that link?
Perhaps windows expects any 32bit ocx to be stored there?
You may need to find a modern calendar that is not dependent on older .ocx files.
yes that is what I asked in my opening post if somebody had a suggestion. I have been googling for an hour looking for information on MS One Calendar but have come up empty. I can't make it do anything. Even trying to make an entry it tells me I must first remove filter. Even google doesn't know how to remove filter.
Google search turned up you had same problem in 2014.
What does your data look like?
What about rolling your own?
Google search turned up you had same problem in 2014.
What does your data look like?
What about rolling your own?
Yes 2014, and 2015, and 2016. I buy a new computer every 6 months to a year. I have the same problem each time. I have a tech in Venezuela who takes control via TeamViewer and he adds the control and register it. He can't do it this time
Can you zip it and upload it. I will try on my 6 bit laptop tomorrow using those instructions I linked to.
Also add some text on exactly how to get to it within Access.
Just roll your own calendar. There are tons of examples out there. Show use a screenshot of what you want and the requirments.
does somebody here want to go on Teamviewer and try it. I am willing to pay.
Show me the requirements and what it should look like. I will build one for free if it is fast and easy. You can pay me if it is more than an hours work.
Just roll your own calendar. There are tons of examples out there. Show use a screenshot of what you want and the requirments.

Show me the requirements and what it should look like. I will build one for free if it is fast and easy. You can pay me if it is more than an hours work.
Sound good. I will put what it needs over to you. Will you be using the MSComCtl2.MonthView.2 or something else?
I will put what it needs over to you. Will you be using the MSComCtl2.MonthView.2 or something else?
If you search this site there are lots of "home grown" calendar controls. Adapting them to a three month view should not be hard. I am not sure what that would look like.
Here is one. I have some similar versions
If you search this site there are lots of "home grown" calendar controls. Adapting them to a three month view should not be hard. I am not sure what that would look like.
Here is one. I have some similar versions
Do you think I will be able to import my data from present DB?
Do you think I will be able to import my data from present DB?
Sure, data would not be impacted by a form control.
Would a three month view look like this? Still trying to wrap my head around what you want to display and how to use it.


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