Multi user database with no network? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009

I am developing a database for a company with about 10 users of the DB each using the DB on their own PC/Mac.

The workplace does not have a network. All work is done and stored on their own computers. They do not have a server either.

They do have a BT Business Hub providing broadband both wired and wirelessly.

The database is built using Access 2010.

I need to set up user groups/permissions on the database so certain staff can only see certain forms/tables etc...

What are my options here?

There is money available to buy a server or whatever. But ideally if there is another way of storing it and doing it, then I would like to give that a try.

I was reading somewhere you can use the Hub to create a small network, is this possible? And if so, whats the set up process for this?

Any help would be great.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:25
Apr 15, 2010
OK, what you need to ensure is that everyone is in the same Windows Workgroup.
You dont really need a server as such, any PC will do. Create a folder on one of the PC's and then share it using the normal windows methods (right click folder and then the Share tab, you can also add user permissions on this tab), put your BE file in the share (and I usually keep a copy of the FE there as well but in a subfolder). Go to the rest of the PC's and map that share, using the PC host name and then the share name you gave it when you created it as a share. Copy the FE to their desktop ( I usually put it in the "All users" desktop, so that anyone who logs on can see the app). If your not using the BE linker than you'll ned to link the table in the normal Access fashion.

Your good to go and you havent spent a penny!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009

What happens if some users are on Macs?

Also is this secure and would it allow the sort of permissions to only allow certain users to see 1 form, other users another form and some people to see all?



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:25
Apr 15, 2010

What happens if some users are on Macs?

Also is this secure and would it allow the sort of permissions to only allow certain users to see 1 form, other users another form and some people to see all?


Mac users deserve to be shot :D

Seriously though that is going to give you problems. One option would be to change the file system on hosting PC to FAT32 as Macs can read NTFS but cannot write to it, There are applications that will act as "middle men" between HFS and NTFS like SAMBA but can be a pain in the arse to setup and get working.

The other option is using VMware and creating a virtual machine for the MAC user on the host PC, that way they can VNC into the virtual machine and just use it like they were Windows inside a window on OSX.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009

Just been told the people using it will all be PC's running Windows.

So theres a start.

Will permissions allow that much detail? ^^^


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:25
Apr 23, 2008
Very useful posts rodmc.

The only problem I see with that issue is that that person's PC will have to be on 24/7. And if many users start connecting to it for data it might slow down his other processes. If that computer freezes for any reason, the rest of the team is handcuffed.

It may be best to just buy a powerful desktop, and dedicate it for that, you can call it your "server".


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:25
Apr 23, 2008
Also, you can setup a table with user permissions and check for user permissions upon opening a form to show/hide whatever options you want.

PS: Go Liverpool!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009

When you say powerful desktop, how much and/or specs we talking about?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:25
Apr 15, 2010
Very useful posts rodmc.

The only problem I see with that issue is that that person's PC will have to be on 24/7. And if many users start connecting to it for data it might slow down his other processes. If that computer freezes for any reason, the rest of the team is handcuffed.

It may be best to just buy a powerful desktop, and dedicate it for that, you can call it your "server".

In a small office that shouldnt really be a problem, I think BT hubs (dont know they call them hubs because they are actually switches) are all GB ethernet enabled so as long as the PC's have GB ethernet NIC's he should be ok.

I agree about the PC being on 24/7, but I was more suggesting taking an old or unused PC and using it rather than a users. At the end of the day, most of the low end servers are just PC's with a few more add ons like RAID controller cards etc.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009
In a small office that shouldnt really be a problem, I think BT hubs (dont know they call them hubs because they are actually switches) are all GB ethernet enabled so as long as the PC's have GB ethernet NIC's he should be ok.

I agree about the PC being on 24/7, but I was more suggesting taking an old or unused PC and using it rather than a users. At the end of the day, most of the low end servers are just PC's with a few more add ons like RAID controller cards etc.


What is NICs?

And GB ethernet enabled, does this mean connected the switch by an ethernet cable rather than working wirelessly?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:25
Apr 15, 2010
You know something I haveNT mentioned is a NAS box, this would suit your situation brilliantly, I bought a Zxyel NAS only a month ago along with 2 x 2TB drives (set up as RAID 1, which is disk mirroring, so if one drive goes IM still covered).

Total cost of the nas plus drives - £205

The box supports FTP and whole host of other stuff so you can access from anywhere and it uses CIFS meaning every platform can use the system.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:25
Apr 15, 2010
NIC - Network Interface card

GB ethernet is gigabit ethernet (hard wired ie physical cabling) so instead of the standard 100Mb/s your getting 1000Mb/s

GB ethernet is now becoming the standard


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009

What technical network knowledge would be needed to set the NAS box up? Straight forward?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:25
Apr 15, 2010
Its an appliance, the only thing you need to supply it with is the name of your workgroup, it does the rest, however it can be configured manually but theres really no need TBH. (although you do need to add users and then give them permissions for any share you set up, but thats all really straight forward).

If you think on going down the root of using a NAS then check out its features first.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009
So I buy a NAS and 2 drives.

Create a workgroup on the folder where DB is stored. Which will be on the NAS? Or on a users PC?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:25
Apr 15, 2010
BE on the NAS, FE on the users desktops


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:25
Dec 29, 2011
YNWA - if you are going down the route of a BE on a NAS and FE on the Users PCs, I have some functionality which allows you to update a 'master' copy of the FE (if changes are required) and it will automatically update the Users FEs the next time they start their FE database.

Makes keeping everyone up to date on the same version really easy.

Let me know if interested.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009
YNWA - if you are going down the route of a BE on a NAS and FE on the Users PCs, I have some functionality which allows you to update a 'master' copy of the FE (if changes are required) and it will automatically update the Users FEs the next time they start their FE database.

Makes keeping everyone up to date on the same version really easy.

Let me know if interested.


Would this then allow me to say make 1 change to front end forms and it be replicated through users PC's without needing to copy the new FE to each PC?

What would the current set up work like with just a BE on NAS and FE on desktops?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:25
Dec 29, 2011
The way I work it is, I have a table in the BE which holds the Master Version number of the application (tbl_VersionServer) and a local table held in the FE which holds the Version number also (tbl_VersionClient).

I then place a copy of the FE on the Server / Nas which is the Master version.

tbl_VersionServer is a linked Table in the FE.

On Startup, I check to see if the version number in tbl_VersionClient is the same as the version number in tbl_VersionServer. If it is, they are up to date and you then load whatever Menu form or whatever you use.

If not, I have some code which 'copies' the Master FE (on your NAS) and overwrites the local FE on the Users PC (it is a Windows API call) and restarts the FE.

So, to update the FE databases, you make any modifications you require to your Master FE on your NAS and then you update both the tbl_VersionServer and the tbl_VersionClient version number (in you Master FE).

So, the User opens their FE, their local version number in their tbl_VersionClient might be 2.05 where as the version number in tbl_VersionServer is 2.06. It copies across the new FE (master FE from NAS) which you have now updated and changed its version number to 2.06 in its tbl_VersionClient.

Their FE restarts, the version numbers now match, they're good to go.

It hardly takes any time to update. We have several Access applications here at work with up to 40 users each and I have been using this method for several years and it's great. Save so much time.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:25
Jun 2, 2009
Sounds good.

I might just go down this route.

What details do I need to get this set up?

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