New Database! Suggestions (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:31
Jun 22, 2009
Hi everyone,

I have tried searching but i don't even know if I am searching for the right thing. Here is the problem:

Our company uses forms that information is manually entered and they are word documents which are then just printed. I'm creating an Access database and would like to pull information from Access to Word. And I know this subject has been covered a lot but i can't seem to find the exact situation answer. For example, Instead of entering employee information manually into the word document I would like the word document to have a drop-down down box with the Access information. I don't even know if this is possible but I thought I better ask instead of wasting time searching for something that might not even be practical. In other words, I don't want to try to recreate the forms in Access. I want to use the Word document as the form.

Sorry for any confusion and thanks so much for any help or suggestions.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:31
Jun 22, 2009
I didn't know if it was possible to use a word document as the actual form. The form we use would be very challenging to re-create in Access. But if that is the only option then that's what I will have to try to do.


Ad astra
Local time
Today, 21:31
Sep 27, 2004
Access or any other database for that matter will require a bit of effort to get an application up and running - that is unavoidable. That time will usually be right at the beginning as well.

The benefit lies from the fact that once completed certain tasks can be automated such as production of word documents that will be lightning quick.

Setting out forms are really quite easy (after the initial learn) and with practice you will be able to get working applications up and running very quickly.
Obviously this may take longer if you are having to figure out things as you go along ut rest assured this is a skill that is well worth learning and is often the best way of teaching you how to build databases.

As a general rule anything that can be done in word or excel you can convert into access and many of the functions you may wish to use will be the same.

This does sound like the ideal project for a newbie to tackle and its the kind of thing that instigated my start in databases.

Just go for it and as you come across individual problems post those here. Your best bet is to ask very specific questions and tackle each problem as it arises. Also its worthwhile carefully thinking about structure and reading up a bit on general guidelines on structure.

The first database I ever made I finished and immediately realised that it was total tosh. Design and structure was completly wrong. I had however learnt enough from that process I was able to rebuild a compltely new one much better...
Sadly I had to build the dodgy one first to learn that lesson.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:31
Jun 22, 2009
So instead of trying to link Access data to Word drop-down boxes I went ahead and used a print screen of the form in word and inserted it as an image. Took a little time to get it to print right but now works great.

New question: I want to change where actual database file is located. When I try to copy the file to a network drive it becomes read-only. Maybe has to do with permissions. Is there anyway to save the whole database again to a different location?

Thanks for all you help guys! I have learned so much by just playing with it.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:31
Jun 22, 2009
So is it possible to link a text box or drop down list from Word to Access? So the information entered in the Word document will show up in the Access table? Thanks

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