New Quick Search feature (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:31
Sep 28, 1999
I am currently testing a new search addon. Let me know what you think!

Edit: Just to add, I don't like the way the page loads first and then the Quick Search box pushes everything down. This aesthetic jars with me. I might remove it! But I do like the functionality!
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I just tried it but doesn't seem to work I'm on my tab at the moment
Oh, what happens?
??? Good question??
I added a search term, hit enter???
Perhaps an overview of the intended process would help.
Seems dead in the water for me???:confused: I'm on my laptop.
Where do you think the new Quick Search is?
I suspected it was here, but could be mistaken...
Correct. You don't need to hit enter. It shows as you type.
Ok, I think it doesn't work while reading the thread. Try it in index page or in subforum.
Hmm. Seems a bit flaky to me
Tried searching for a topic - OK but the existing search is far better.
Repeated but this time searching for a member name - nothing happened
I don't think it searches names.
Not clear what it is searching --definitely is not Advanced Search equivalent. And if it can't be invoked from the page you're reading, how and when to use it may be an issue. Perhaps a little trial and error will focus its usefulness.

Before I found you had to be on a different page, I tried How to use Quick Search
I tried it from an index page and just put in a few keywords, like dlookup, nasa, global, coronavirus. It quickly brought up relevant topics for me. The idea is it is not a detailed search, but it is instant.

For clarity what is an index page?
The view of all the forums. I am not sure what the correct name for it actually is.
Probably. I am just seeing what people think of it.
Due to popular non-demand, I have removed Quick Search.

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