Paris Hilton's Get Out Of Jail Card. (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:11
Oct 31, 2006
you also need to be careful with the insurance thing. most normal policies don't cover you for flood damage unless you have explicit flood insurance. which I am sure that is what the companies are calling it.

sorry we would love to pay you but you didn't have flood insurance so suck it up


yeah, but that raving jackass is once again trying to play the race card: "What kind of a message does this send to the poor, black, blah, blah, blah..."

Dear, god, protect us from your followers:eek:

What does being poor have to do with race? Oops silly me this is America we're talking about and the fact is that most of the poor in the US are black, well I'll be doggon, fancy having to point that out, it's a good job they live in the land of equal opportunity:rolleyes:


Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 02:11
Jan 14, 2002
Just popped in to post a quick joke that I got and thought was funny.... and to check the watercooler to see if America was still a horrible nation.

Yup... it is....

Well, I better get back to whooping my Negro now.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:11
Sep 9, 2002
Just popped in to post a quick joke that I got and thought was funny.... and to check the watercooler to see if America was still a horrible nation.

Yup... it is....

Well, I better get back to whooping my Negro now.


Tess, that crack me up. We just live in a horrible, horrible nation. THAT DAMN BUSH ITS ALL HIS FAULT:D ;)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 07:11
Feb 22, 2002
We just live in a horrible, horrible nation. THAT DAMN BUSH ITS ALL HIS FAULT:D ;)
at last - someone who finally recognises the situation - how many decades will it take to repair the Bush damage to the USA?



Old registered user
Local time
Today, 07:11
Feb 22, 2002
Well, I better get back to whooping my Negro now.

I thought that only happened in the Southern states like Alabama, Georgia and Louisianna etc

Is it a national trait then?



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:11
Sep 9, 2002
Did you vote for him?

You bet I did, yes I know according to colin and you, its all my fault as well and all americans that voted for him as well. You may blame us for everything that is wrong. :rolleyes: We just live in god forsaken country.:rolleyes:

I know if you guys where in charge, you would have made all the right decisions.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Rich, I just wondering did we ever have a good president and explain where did we go wrong?:confused:

You guys are too much:). But living in america, that is what we call free speach, opps may that may be bad too, because we can't do anything right according to you two BOYS. Enough said


You bet I did, yes I know according to colin and you, its all my fault as well and all americans that voted for him as well. You may blame us for everything that is wrong. :rolleyes: We just live in god forsaken country.:rolleyes:

You could move to a better one

Rich, I just wondering did we ever have a good president and explain where did we go wrong?:confused:
I'm sure you've had many, Roosevelt being amongst the finest:eek:


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 07:11
Feb 22, 2002
But living in america, that is what we call free speach,

Free speech is excellent in the USA - except when it's the US government controlling what the TV news says - e.g. you never see any dead US soldiers coffins being unloaded from planes, your TV news on Iraq always highlights the US heros - never the downside.

Oh, and of course when the CIA are tapping your phone without permission. (but you knew that anyway)



Old registered user
Local time
Today, 07:11
Feb 22, 2002
You bet I did, yes I know according to colin and you, its all my fault as well and all americans that voted for him as well. You may blame us for everything that is wrong. :rolleyes:

It's too late to roll the eyes now - just take a look at the world and see how it's screwed up because of the arrogant USA ignoring UN resolutions with a meglamanic warmongering religious freak at the controls.

Ever wondered why the USA is the most hated country on the planet?



I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 02:11
Feb 12, 2007
Free speech is excellent in the USA - except when it's the US government controlling what the TV news says - e.g. you never see any dead US soldiers coffins being unloaded from planes, your TV news on Iraq always highlights the US heros - never the downside.

Oh, and of course when the CIA are tapping your phone without permission. (but you knew that anyway)


Dont show the coffins, but its always one of the top stories of how many have died today....:(


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:11
Sep 9, 2002
Free speech is excellent in the USA - except when it's the US government controlling what the TV news says - e.g. you never see any dead US soldiers coffins being unloaded from planes, your TV news on Iraq always highlights the US heros - never the downside.

Oh, and of course when the CIA are tapping your phone without permission. (but you knew that anyway)


So, would you feel better if you see dead soldiers comming off of the planes, and you like to see more downside.

hmmmmm......... and what country are you from?


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
, 23:11
Nov 8, 2005
Without bashing the Yanks

the first Bush , was ok , he could string a sentance together- didn't agree with him, but at least he could talk.

Clinton was an excellent president - but I think that it will take 20 -30 years for people to realise this.
Regan was "odd" but likeable not quite all there but managed to carry it off
then you kinda going before my time
but the kennedies (I hope i've spelt this right) had moments that would have stood out as being excellent, however this family seems to have a distructive streak int hem - don't know why. but they do as to war time president, it is always hard to judge them, objectively (I include churchill in this as well)
from an outsiders view - why did the US get involved earlier in the War , then why did the US get involved - its a double edge sword this one
damned if you do and damned if you don't

and as you can tell from the posts here, the Americans should not got involved in xx and why did it take so long to get involved with xx

Clinton (being the most recent "decent" preisdent) managed to achive a lot on the worldwide circuits, and raised the profile of the US in a postive manner, Bush seems to be focus on internal polictics (which is not a bad thing in it self) bit then tries to force the world to support his decisions and that what he says goes. clinton tried the same but didn't put everyones noses out of place with his arrogance.

Bush, has managed to alienate the US from 80% of the world, just through being abrupt, when a quite word and a nudge would do
statements like your either with me or against me - does not go down well

its a selfish view to take and as we all know life is not black and white or yes and no there are degrees of agreements

now i am not bashing the Yanks on this - just a view on there presidents form a view outside of the States -

you guys will have a different view on our past
Prime minsters

as an example
a lot of americans seem to think that Tony Blair is ok
we (and I can use the collective we) seem to think he's an arse,
pre T.Blair we had John major - a nothing PM no soul , pre him you have maggie thatcher - now there are different views according to where you ask this question, genreally there is a north south dedvide on this.
its all objective - but as i have said before we treat our leaders differnetly than state side - ours are there to do our bidding - if they do soemthing i am not happy with them I slag them off , Stateside it does seem to be almost verging on worshipping your President almost as a demi god
which for a start will rattle a lot of peoples cages here as we see our leaders as public servants not as object to be worshiped

now here i go again - double standards - the Queen is head of state and is given respect and is worshipped by some as "demi-god" and i could argue this case ,but I see the double standard on this myself - but as an outline
she will not get any personal gain out of politics - she is meant to be above politics - but is probably more clued up on this than most , as an ambassored for the UK/commonwealth/canda/australia she has a lot of clout, a phone call from queenie will at least be listened to, even if it not agree, she has the power (respect) to make a statement and be listened too by a large percntage of the world . (when I say power, I mean that she has no power to do anything but the power to speak as a figure head of state )


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 02:11
Feb 12, 2007
now here i go again - double standards - the Queen is head of state and is given respect and is worshipped by some as "demi-god" and i could argue this case ,but I see the double standard on this myself - but as an outline
she will not get any personal gain out of politics - she is meant to be above politics - but is probably more clued up on this than most , as an ambassored for the UK/commonwealth/canda/australia she has a lot of clout, a phone call from queenie will at least be listened to, even if it not agree, she has the power (respect) to make a statement and be listened too by a large percntage of the world . (when I say power, I mean that she has no power to do anything but the power to speak as a figure head of state )

I may be wrong but wasnt this because she was born into royalty? no election or anything?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 07:11
Feb 22, 2002
So, would you feel better if you see dead soldiers comming off of the planes, and you like to see more downside.
we always see our soldiers coffins being carried from the planes. It gives a better picture of what a great ****-up the USA has made of things rather than just having the upbeat stuff (of which there is none unless it's made up by the US).
We also see the misery and despair of Iraqi people and how much worse things are since the US bombed the hell out of it. We see the dead people blown apart, we see dead children who were doing nothing more than playing.

We also see people burning the USA flag - we also see the USA soldiers that shoot allied forces and civilians because they're too trigger happy.

We also see interviews with Iraqi's who wished Saddam was back in power

hmmmmm......... and what country are you from?



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