Properties panel does not show.


Registered User.
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Today, 00:39
Apr 7, 2009
Question: usually if I open form in design mode, right click a control and select Properties, a panel popups with the properties of the control. However lately this property panel is not visible anymore. Any database. Please advice how to bring it back?
I'm running Access 365 accdb
If you're using multiple screens, perhaps the properties window is in another screen.
It can still get moved off screen.
Although it should get docked when moved to the left or right of the Access window, it can be moved off the top or bottom.
Try changing the resolution temporarily, then change it back. That usually fixes the issue
Well ... I'm working remotely via Citrix/Remote Desktop and cannot change the resolution. Just one thing: two months ago, the Properties panel was there. It disappeared after Microsoft patches (?) were installed ...
I very much doubt it’s due to any MS updates as there would have been other reports if that was the case.
An Office repair might fix it but even on Remote Desktop I thought you could access Windows display settings
Did you do this at all?
Exactly my problem. I did it many times trying to find check related to the property sheet ...
This code did not help either:
Private Sub ShowToolBars()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count
CommandBars(i).Enabled = True
Next i
End Sub
Have you already tried to attach the toolbar on the right?
With Application.CommandBars("Property Sheet")
   Debug.Print "Top, Left, Width, Height:", .Top, .Left, .Width, .Height
   Debug.Print "current position:", .Position
   .Position = msoBarRight
End With
Excellent code snippet Josef!
After testing its effects, I deliberately messed up the property sheet by sending it to a different monitor / off screen / minimizing its size etc
Your code fixed all those issues
Guys, thank you for discussion - I found property sheets - the panel was hiding to the left of the form view panel.
Thank you!

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