Report Footer Not Covering Both Columns (1 Viewer)



My Access database is a collection of items that will sort properly in columns. I know the report header prints at the top of the first page and the report footer prints at the bottom of the last page (or should). I created a report with the header and footer. I then created a sub-report with the output in column form. The sub-report is fine. The page footer is the problem. (NOTE: I first created this in one report and ran into the same problem.)

The report footer is only displaying on the left-column side. Also, it is not in the proper placement--at the bottom of the last page of the report. This report will continue to grow as items are added to the

Any help is appreciated.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:51
Jul 11, 2000
where is the report footer appearing? forgive me, but it sounds rather unbelieveable that the report footer is not appearing at the foot of the report.
And let me get this straight, you want the subreport to print as multicolumn but not the main report? You must go into page setup for the subreport when it is opened in design view by itself. At least it has been my experience that selecting page setup with both the main and subreports open only affects the main report even if the subreport is highlighted. SO make sure your main report is set up for a single column.

Or is it that you need the main report in columns also? Then I have no idea why the footer only prints on the left side. Of course you should make sure that the width of everything in the footer is less than or equal to the width of the column in the page setup, but other than that I wouldn't know.


I eliminated the subreport in an attempt to stop the problem. Now the report footer is at the top of the last page of the report, but I can view the entire footer. Thanks for some of your suggestions. The detailed area is the only area in columns. Thanks for your input.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:51
Jul 11, 2000
I'm not quite sure I follow you, are all of your problems fixed or not?


No-Although the footer is now visible across both columns, it is at the top of the last page. I have to get it to the bottom of the "last" page of the report.

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