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where is arnelgp? need him again! my robocopy is stopping without going through with first command. i do not know how to print out errors with pipe or anything. it just breaking on first command. even when i run with second command only, it not working. here is my whole script
i follow instruction in both thesee sites but nothing work. what am i doing wrong?
@echo off
echo Deleting all files in [C:\Users\u\2]...
del "C:\Users\u\2\*.*" /Q
echo All files have been deleted.
echo Copying files from [C:\Users\u\1] to [C:\Users\u\2]...
robocopy "C:\Users\u\1" ^
"C:\Users\u\2 *.*"
echo All files have been copied.

Robocopy Command
Robocopy command information for MS-DOS and the Windows command line. Page includes robocopy command availability, syntax, and examples.

Robocopy Commands: Data Migration, Folder Sync, and More
Master robocopy commands for data migration, syncing folders, and copying large files.