Ron Paul

Since the US policy at the end of WW2 was to ensure that the European powers nolonger had the clout to do this who do you expect to act as the World's policeman now? When Britain and France tried to when a certain middle East dictator nationalised a private company's assets the US stabbed them in the back, as Rich points out the US has always but always put the US first, read the history of the failed League of Nations if you want another example.
Perhaps the original post should have referred to putting internal interests first?
Since the US policy at the end of WW2 was to ensure that the European powers nolonger had the clout to do this who do you expect to act as the World's policeman now? When Britain and France tried to when a certain middle East dictator nationalised a private company's assets the US stabbed them in the back, as Rich points out the US has always but always put the US first, read the history of the failed League of Nations if you want another example.

In case you think that I am another anti US nut read a few of my past posts first.


Brian, your definitely not "another anti US nut", in my opinion. I can certainly see yours and Rich's points on this also, but isn't America pretty much in a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" position. Because of her wealth, power and etc. If they do nothing, everyone says, "what a bunch of selfish bastards, only thinking of themselves." If they do something then it's, "a bunch of selfish bastards, only thinking of themselves." America's leadership is made up of humans and humans make poor choices and America has certainly made a boat load of them.
Since the US policy at the end of WW2 was to ensure that the European powers nolonger had the clout to do this who do you expect to act as the World's policeman now?

With all do respect Brian, if weren’t for us (the USA), all of Europe would be known as Germany today. I mean, lets face it, we supplied your country with a lot goods that help all of us win WWII and it was something that needed to be done to beat fascism. Agree? Unfortunately, you are correct that we are known as the World’s police and that needs to change.

Again, I am not trying to Dis-respect you in any manor. After all, you have helped me in the past with Access coding….. :D

With all do respect Brian, if weren’t for us (the USA), all of Europe would be known as Germany today. I mean, lets face it, we supplied your country with a lot goods that help all of us win WWII and it was something that needed to be done to beat fascism. Agree? Unfortunately, you are correct that we are known as the World’s police and that needs to change.

Again, I am not trying to Dis-respect you in any manor. After all, you have helped me in the past with Access coding…..


Man, Skilly, did you ever just step in more than you can wipe off.:D
Because of her wealth, power and etc.

FYI - The US is tanking in so many ways. Financially, power, and morals. Look at China, do you notice there increasing power and wealth? Do you also see the Spears and Hiltons as a great example of morals? The US is beginning to the laughing stock of the World. LOL :eek:
FYI - The US is tanking in so many ways. Financially, power, and morals. Look at China, do you notice there increasing power and wealth? Do you also see the Spears and Hiltons as a great example of morals? The US is beginning to the laughing stock of the World. LOL :eek:

Very true. I guess I should have made myself clearer. I meant how we use to be and all of our past decisions.
With all do respect Brian, if weren’t for us (the USA), all of Europe would be known as Germany today. I mean, lets face it, we supplied your country with a lot goods that help all of us win WWII and it was something that needed to be done to beat fascism.

Actually if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German today
as for acting as the world's policeman, you have to abide by the worlds rules, and as a nation you do not. In fact Paul wants to pull out of the UN because the US can't control it
I don't want to get into who did what in WW2 as that has been done to death on the forum, but what makes you think Russia wouldn't have won?

Of course America will be damned if it does or doesn't, that goes with the territory of being a super power, Britain had it for a few centuries, learn to live with it.
Oh! it is not the only country that puts itself first and all others last, pretty much any that can does, but if you are going to open a can of worms expect them to crawl out.

Actually if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German today
as for acting as the world's policeman, you have to abide by the worlds rules, and as a nation you do not. In fact Paul wants to pull out of the UN because the US can't control it

Rich, you are so right on that and nor should we. I would think it would be better suited in Switzerland. Agree? :)
I don't want to get into who did what in WW2 as that has been done to death on the forum, but what makes you think Russia wouldn't have won?

Of course America will be damned if it does or doesn't, that goes with the territory of being a super power, Britain had it for a few centuries, learn to live with it.
Oh! it is not the only country that puts itself first and all others last, pretty much any that can does, but if you are going to open a can of worms expect them to crawl out.


Never meant to open up a can of worms. Let just leave it at that.

The good thing is that Germany lost and we won, which made a better country out of it. END OF SOTRY.
I don't want to get into who did what in WW2 as that has been done to death on the forum, but what makes you think Russia wouldn't have won?

Of course America will be damned if it does or doesn't, that goes with the territory of being a super power, Britain had it for a few centuries, learn to live with it.
Oh! it is not the only country that puts itself first and all others last, pretty much any that can does, but if you are going to open a can of worms expect them to crawl out.


In my opinion, guilty as charged. You are right about the can worms and them crawling out. For me personally, I wish America would stay within her own borders and when what we do effects others, then be more open/sensitive to what that effect is. Outside of that, if a country wants to destroy it's self, then that was their choice. If someone wants to jack with us then make the consequences of doing that something they don't want to try again.
...if a country wants to destroy it's self, then that was their choice. If someone wants to jack with us then make the consequences of doing that something they don't want to try again.

I HEAR YOU LOAD AND CLEAR Shane. It's about time we worry about our citizens here in the US and learn to be more dependent on the resources that have, which we aren't allow to exploit. Like we did back in the day... :rolleyes:
I HEAR YOU LOAD AND CLEAR Shane. It's about time we worry about our citizens here in the US and learn to be more dependent on the resources that have, which we aren't allow to exploit. Like we did back in the day... :rolleyes:

What happens when those resources run out?:confused:
In my opinion, guilty as charged. You are right about the can worms and them crawling out. For me personally, I wish America would stay within her own borders and when what we do effects others, then be more open/sensitive to what that effect is. Outside of that, if a country wants to destroy it's self, then that was their choice. If someone wants to jack with us then make the consequences of doing that something they don't want to try again.

Well that doesn't appear to be a very Christian answer, am I missing something here?:confused:
What happens when those resources run out?:confused:

That is where the ingenuity comes into play. Can you image if we took the time and resources as we did for the internet and put it towards other sources of energy? Dear GOD, only one can wonder…
That is where the ingenuity comes into play. Can you image if we took the time and resources as we did for the internet and put it towards other sources of energy? Dear GOD, only one can wonder…

But that is what America should have been doing under Bush, but of course being an oil baron:rolleyes:

Oh by the way the Internet was a British conception, not a Gates one;)
But that is what America should have been doing under Bush, but of course being an oil baron:rolleyes:

Oh by the way the Internet was a British conception, not a Gates one;)

No and Yes. I am under the understanding the Internet was the concept and used by the US military first, then ended up at the consumer level.

Your right, Bill Gatres had no hand inthe internet. As a matter of fact, back in (approx) 1995, he was quoted as saying the internet would never last. Boy, was he ever wrong. ;)

BTW - Your right about the Bush. Can't stand the guy. He has done more bad than good for our beloved Country!!!

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