Run time error -2146500594 (800f000e) (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:00
Apr 19, 2012

I'm working on an application that will export and translate an Access database into a web-based (PHP/MySQL/Javascript) application. Small tests are going well, but when I try it on the 'production' scale database that is the true source for conversion, I repeatedly get the following error:

Run-time error '-2146500594 (800f000e)':
Method 'Item' of object 'Forms' failed

It's happening as I am trying to get the name of the 28th out of 38 forms that need to be converted. If I take that form and copy it lock, stock and barrel into a small test database, then there is no trouble. So it's obviously (I think) a scaling issue.

However, I can find no reference to this particular run-time error. I wonder if anyone has any ideas or pointers?




Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Yesterday, 18:00
Oct 22, 2009
It is more likely an object error.
Is Linked Tables ODBC being used? It might be the ODBC object error for example.

Is error trapping being used?
If it is across the network, perhaps there is a network timeout or code Stack issue.

In general: Use error trapping to isolate where the error is taking place.
Use the Err.raise to customize where the error takes place.

If the errors have a Hot Spot (a place they seem to occur more often) then add more detailed error trapping, and add more Debug.Print "Modulex The big text For-Next code"
This can provide a type of data to give an indication.

Once the hotspot is determined, step through the code. In the Debugger, turn on the Call Stack viewer. This shows the execution stack where one procedure, calls another procedure, that calls another procedure...
This can sometimes uncover the rare instance where code works great in short local spurts, but fails as computer resources or network delays build up for larger runs.

Then when you get a chance, please share what you are doing. It sounds interesting.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:00
Jan 23, 2006
I agree with Rx's comments and suggestions.
There are some good debugging/error handling tips at

Is there anything special about the 28th form name?

I'd like to see what you're doing also, sounds very interesting.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:00
Apr 19, 2012
Thanks, Rx and jdraw

The environment is a local database (Access) that was used to construct a proof-of-concept tool for pitching to an organization in the UK. I now need to create the tool that will build at least the framework of the new environment (XAMPP). The easiest part, of course, is creating SQL to create and populate the new database (which will be MySQL).

The trickier parts will be the forms - which must be translated from Access to HTML5 (with CSS and JavaScript).

So far I have code which looks like this:
Sub SetUpProject(Optional BasePath As String = "")

'   Create a Project folder, and a project control file

'   Create sub-folders for:
'       Forms
'       Modules (except -DBTranslate__)
'       Classes

Dim ProjectName As String

Dim ProjectFileName As String

Dim TableFileName As String
Dim TableFile As Long

Dim FormFileName As String
Dim FormFile As Long
Dim CSSFile As Long
Dim JSFile As Long
Dim PHPFile As Long

Dim ModuleFileName As String
Dim ModuleFile As Long

Dim ClassFileName As String
Dim ClassFile As Long

'   Test setup
ProjectName = GetCurrentDBName()
ProjectPath = ProjectName
If BasePath > "" Then
   On Error Resume Next
   MkDir BasePath
   On Error GoTo 0
   ProjectPath = BasePath & Separator & ProjectName
End If

TablePath = ProjectPath & Separator & "Tables"
FormPath = ProjectPath & Separator & "Forms"
ModulePath = ProjectPath & Separator & "Modules"
ClassPath = ProjectPath & Separator & "Classes"

On Error Resume Next
MkDir ProjectPath
MkDir TablePath
MkDir FormPath
MkDir ModulePath
MkDir ClassPath
On Error GoTo 0

ProjectFileName = ProjectPath & Separator & ProjectName & ".pcf"
ProjectControlFile = FreeFile

Open ProjectFileName For Output As #ProjectControlFile

Print #ProjectControlFile, ";  # Forms=   " & CurrentProject.AllForms.Count

Print #ProjectControlFile, ";  # Modules= " & CurrentProject.AllModules.Count
Close #ProjectControlFile

End Sub
ScanForms looks like this:
Sub ScanForms()

Dim FormName As String
Dim FormModule As String
Dim FormSubPath As String
Dim frm As Form
Dim f As Long

For f = 0 To CurrentProject.AllForms.Count - 1
    FormName = CurrentProject.AllForms(f).Name
    FormSubPath = FormPath & Separator & FormName
    On Error Resume Next
    MkDir FormSubPath
    On Error GoTo 0
'   Load the form
    DoCmd.OpenForm FormName, windowmode:=acHidden
    Set frm = Application.Forms(FormName)
    Print #ProjectControlFile, "Form:", f, Format(FormName, fmtObjectName), frm.Controls.Count
    ScanFormControls frm
    CreateFormFile FormSubPath, FormName
    If Header.hasModule = "M" Then
       FormModule = frm.Module.Name
       CreateFormModuleFile FormSubPath, FormName
    End If

    If Header.hasCSS > "" Then
       CreateCSSFile FormSubPath, Header, Controls
    End If

    If Header.HasPHP > "" Then
       CreatePHPFile FormSubPath, Header, Controls
    End If

    If Header.hasJS > "" Then
       CreateJSFile FormSubPath, Header, Controls
    End If
    Set frm = Nothing
    DoCmd.Close acForm, FormName
Next f

End Sub
The error, when it occurs always occurs in ScanForms, as I am about to execute the code:
    Set frm = Application.Forms(FormName)
The first thing I checked was that I'm resetting all objects to nothing, because over a lot of iterations that can really blow memory management. The text of the message "Method: Item failed" leads me to think that I've got a corrupt collection in Application.Forms. However, It should only ever have a single entry at any given time. When I try and do some simple analysis on the collection, I get this:
? application.Forms.Count

/*  Same error message here! */
The earlier forms are being analyzed exactly as I'd hope, including a dump of the vba code to handle the events (which will be the basis for the JavaScript file and part of the CSS file). I suppose I'll have to read up on using the other tools that you suggest - a quick scan for Call Stack Window suggests that it is part of Visual Studio. I'm actually working within Access at present (it's one less level of reaching out across the borders between applications ;-)

Any suggestions (other than switching to pure VB.Net?)



Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:00
Apr 19, 2012
Here's an update on my problem. I considered several possibilities;

1) Some Form_Load event handler was screwing me up
2) The problem was volume related (ie after 28 forms being opened, the whole thing just hiccupped)
3) The problem was form-related (ie there is something about the form that Access just doesn't like)
4) Some other problem.

To test (1) I added Exit Sub after every Form_Load procedure, before it had a chance to do anything. I uncovered a few strange things (to do with unexpected Nulls since the form 'initialization' was not being executed {although since I'm examining the form not executing it, I don't see how that can be})

To test (2) I created a test db with 50 forms (mostly copies, I'll admit;)), and ran the procedure there. Worked fine!

To test (3) I copied the form and it's module into the test database. No issues. (As a footnote, I actually did this before test 2, so there were several copies of the crashing form in the test database!)

Which leaves (4) - Some other problem.

I noticed when running the procedure in question, that the first form examined came up very fast, and then there was a long wait before the next 14 or so came up all in a mad dash. So I added a debug statement to see how long each was taking. Turns out it must be a buffering problem, because (see below) the delta of Timer() is reasonably consistent.

Then I wondered if the collection Application.Forms was getting screwed up. The error message, remember, says "Method 'Item' of object 'Forms' failed!"
So I extended the debug line to get the index of the form within Application.Forms. For some reason they are (almost) all index 2 (which means the 3rd entry, right? Wonder what the first two are...) HOWEVER the last form is index 1, so something must have happened.

Here's where it gets really weird.

I tried adding code to print the caption of the 0th and 1st forms, but it failed with the same Run-Time error (and a description of automation error).

When stepping through, form by form, even though the count is 2, the effective index is 1 (not 0 ??), until we get to the problem form.

I'm totally flummoxed, and without some sort of ability to peek inside the stack I can't figure out what is going wrong.

(BTW, I disabled On Error GoTo 0 to see what else would happen. Everything works fine, except the index is now consistently 1, rather than 2)

Any ideas?

  44695.5      Form   0, ID_IdentityDictionary           Index into Forms is 2
 44695.58     Form   1, SYS_InterfaceMaintenance        Index into Forms is 2
 44695.66     Form   2, DefaultConfig                   Index into Forms is 2
 44695.73     Form   3, DefaultUserForm                 Index into Forms is 2
 44695.84     Form   4, DEM_ConfigForm                  Index into Forms is 2
 44695.91     Form   5, LAB_TestUniqueIDForm            Index into Forms is 2
 44696        Form   6, MEM_ConfigForm                  Index into Forms is 2
 44696.06     Form   7, STDY_ConfigForm                 Index into Forms is 2
 44696.14     Form   8, STDY_StudyUserControl           Index into Forms is 2
 44696.2      Form   9, STDY_SurveyBrowseForm           Index into Forms is 2
 44696.3      Form  10, SYS_ConfigForm                  Index into Forms is 2
 44696.38     Form  11, SYS_CreateIdentityForm          Index into Forms is 2
 44696.45     Form  12, SYS_ValidateIdentityForm        Index into Forms is 2
 44696.52     Form  13, LEARN_ConfigForm                Index into Forms is 2
 44696.59     Form  14, STDY_StudySponsorForm           Index into Forms is 2
 44696.69     Form  15, STDY_SurveyExtractForm          Index into Forms is 2
 44696.78     Form  16, SYS_UserControl                 Index into Forms is 2
 44696.86     Form  17, SYS_ViewForm                    Index into Forms is 2
 44696.94     Form  18, LEARN_StudentControl            Index into Forms is 2
 44697.02     Form  19, LEARN_TeacherControl            Index into Forms is 2
 44697.09     Form  20, SYS_Tables                      Index into Forms is 2
 44697.14     Form  21, LEARN_RegisterStudent           Index into Forms is 2
 44697.23     Form  22, ID_IdentityUsers                Index into Forms is 2
 44697.3      Form  23, wizExportWizard                 Index into Forms is 2
 44697.38     Form  24, wizImportWizard                 Index into Forms is 2
 44697.44     Form  25, SYS_AdminConsole                Index into Forms is 2
 44697.5      Form  26, DB_InterfaceObjectForm          Index into Forms is 2
 44697.59     Form  27, DB_OrganizationForm             Index into Forms is 2
 44697.63     Form  28, DB_OrganizationOfficersForm     Index into Forms is 2
 44697.64     Form  29, DefaultObjectForm               Index into Forms is 1

-2146500594   Method 'Item' of object 'Forms' failed
 44697.66     Form  30, STDY_QuestionDesignForm         Index into Forms is 1
 44697.8      Form  31, STDY_StudyDesignForm            Index into Forms is 1
 44697.89     Form  32, STDY_SurveyDesignForm           Index into Forms is 1
 44697.98     Form  33, SYS_ClassMasterForm             Index into Forms is 1
 44698.09     Form  34, SYS_ClassParentForm             Index into Forms is 1
 44698.13     Form  35, CCCBR Master                    Index into Forms is 1
 44698.25     Form  36, SYS_UserInterfaces              Index into Forms is 1
 44698.34     Form  37, DEM_DemographicDictionary       Index into Forms is 1

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