So I've Finished a significant project. Now What..? (1 Viewer)


To train a dog, first know more than the dog..
Local time
Yesterday, 16:45
Apr 1, 2019
All, I've just completed a project that I estimate has taken about 500hrs & has been a labour of love. I've been forced from my comfort zone, taken all sorts of twists and turns, learnt a stack of good techniques, gotten some great support & had a lot of fun. Now it's done & in use, I'm at a loose end & busting to use my newfound skills. I've looked at online courses as a way of continuing my enthusiasm, but looking at the course content, there is no course that completely covers what I think I don't know. The problem in training myself is that I don't follow a curriculum!

Is there anyone else in this situation?. Would like to generate some discussion.
Now it's done & in use,
Well, it's never quite done. A couple weeks, maybe a month, You'll learn something new . Then you'll say to yourself
"Man, why didn't I use this in my database rather than the way I did it." Then it's back to the drawing board. You then realize that it's easier to just start from scratch rather than trying to change the code you didn't document the first go round. Been there, done that. Been doing it close to 10 years now. So I wouldn't worry about not putting your skills to use.
The problem in training myself is that I don't follow a curriculum!
Courses usually only offer introductory information.

The real tasks come from practical experience.
So you can work in one or more good forums as an answerer and knowledgeable person. In addition to many simple questions, there are also real tasks that you personally would not encounter as often. There you can participate and compare your thoughts with the answers of others.

To complete it, you can and should work through areas like Code Repository and Sample Databases and memorize the content, here in this forum and on many other sites out there. This expands your overview of what is available, and you will find a lot that interests you directly and gives you new fun working with it.
Gents, you've both 'hit the nail on the head'. I haunt all the forums & popular access websites for new stuff & have downloaded a plethora of access related texts. I thought a structured course that i could work through may give me additional motivation. Don't get me wrong, it's a strange feeling of completion when you've given your project your best efforts. Now the hard work is done! I am by no means an expert compared to the caliber of many of you, but am proud of my ability to coble together another application.

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