Some observations..

I really don't class myself as IT.

I did some work in a Government position a couple of years ago. I made it a point of letting them know that I knew nothing about what they did.

They left me alone and I left them alone as they used up valuable oxygen.

They were not impressed that I earnt more than twice what they did. They bagged Access out of ignorance. Most of them could't even write some basic VB script.

I guess one of the reasons I help out here is so that new people turn out reasonable Databases. The more that is written correctly means more will be accepted.
Yes, I think I follow you and agree. I'm in a fortunate position of working for managers who do appreciate the nuances of database and in some cases have done it themselves. I do get the impression that some of the people coming to these forums are in the worst situation: a junior admin staff who's shown some IT ability told by management to use Access to build a database without the managers having any idea what a major undertaking that can be and I expect there will be more of that in the foreseeable future.

But the upshot is I expect more subscribers to forums such as this and, probably, in the long run, more need for Access experts
Yes, Google does seem to like the site somewhat, which is why we are the most popular Access forum according to the Alexa rankings.

What about "the other site" where they say they are "The premier Microsoft® Access help forum" and "the only source for all of your Microsoft Access help needs"

Should we let them know?

Surely bad spreadsheets were the driver for database design in the first place

That's how I got started. Our delivery department was using a massively overblown spreadsheet to try and keep track of drivers/routing. I came to three realizations;

1) They needed something better.

2) Access was the right tool (it was already installed on every machine but nobody knew how to use it).

3) IT wasn't going to help.

So, while they (delivery) stumbled along with their bloated spreadsheet, I started learning Access on my own. Back then I got a lot of help from the old MS newsgroup. Once I got comfortable enough I designed a delivery tracking application to replace the bloated spreadsheet. I found myself continuing to browse the newsgroup every day just because there was always something new to learn. After a while I started answering questions as my small way of trying to give back for all the help I got when I first started. Since then I have written multiple applications for various purposes where I work. Some are still in use, some (like the delivery tracking app) have been replaced by web apps, but they all were a vast improvement over whatever process was being used previously. When I first started, IT wasn't even aware (I didn't tell them and they weren't paying that close attention). Now they know what I do, but they've seen my work, so they let me do my thing and don't get in my way.

When MS scrapped the newsgroups and migrated to the MSDN forums (an interface which I don't care for much) I started looking for a new home, so to speak. Eventually I landed here and I agree with VilaRestal that this is the best Access forum out there.
My case also looks like Beetle. I am not a software guy but I can say that MS Access does not need so much of programming skill instead one need to know what he exactly wants to do. After that when one enters in this forum, he just need to work sincerely, that is the way one shall just be close to attain the full potential of Access. I have not been to different forums but I know one thing that All answers are available in this forum, Just search or Ask.

I also agree with vila restal that if the databases are made by developers or by newbies like us, they are going to help productivity. At the last, if my dBs are up to the mark, we will either go to somebody who can make large scale apps for us or myself will be under burden of that. At last, it will be in good of everybody.

best regards.
Eventually I landed here and I agree with VilaRestal that this is the best Access forum out there.

Today I am having problems with a couple of Lap Tops I bought. I know the answer is a simple do this then that but I can't work it out.

So I joined a Forum on the Gigabyte site and posted my question.

No response. So I am rather frustrated.

This would never happen here at AWF.

I think I might post my question here in a different Forum. Software or whatever it is called. I might stand a better chance.

But for now it is time to kiss the dog and give the missus a pat on the head.

Back later.

I finally posted that question FYI
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Need is the biggest driver. I started in Access just running queries against an ODBC connection to the back end of a management/invoicing system. The data was in a complete mess and the facilities provided in the front end to fix it and the early attempts to do so had just made it worse.

I became more deeply involved in IT until it was my full time job but my efforts were underappreciated there and I decided to move on.

After I took up an IT position in another company I was asked to come up with some solutions that required databases. Like many small workplaces the need for database skills far exceeds the availability and anyone with half a clue is considered an asset. Those such annointed have no idea of the depth of the subject but still have a multitude of times the understanding of the management.

I quickly realised that VBA was the key to putting real power in the hands of the user. My first major project was hideously clumsy behind the scenes but the user experience more than impressed those who needed to be impressed.

Joining this forum was THE key step in my progress as a developer and I still review the new posts every day because occasionally they still introduce me to new ideas. Answering questions not only helps others but stimulates discussions that attract the attention and contributions from our highly skilled members and those threads become incredible resources for all of us.
My experience is very much like beetles, I am an ex Truck driver, I decided to change careers and went to work in an office for less pay 20 odd years ago.

I always had a intrest in computers but never any money ( you cannot belive how expensive they where back then) asked to create a spreadsheet with lotus 123 on a original IBM PS/2 386 PC which I think cost around 3-4 grand back then.
Learnt via a book and completed the spreadsheet which was freight tonnage tracker. Then got asked to do more and more as the IT guy at the company was very much into preserving his domain and would show no-one how to do things.

I now consider myself to be an almost comptent (No More - No Less) Access user and this addtional skill has allowed me if not to increase my salary but keep me in a job in these hardened times.
lotus 123 on a original IBM PS/2 386 PC which I think cost around 3-4 grand back then.

I remember when,

Memory was $110.00 a Meg.

I would need a spreadsheet to work out how much my computer's memory would cost if I paid $110.00 a Meg.

An XT Computer with 64 k of memory and a 10 Mb hard drive was $5,000.00.

A box of 10 x 1.4 meg Floppies was about $30.00

The only thing about the good Ole days is that they are gone.

As other sites have been brought up in conversation, I might write about one in particular, one day. Especially the one where you get an automatic MVP simply by posting lots of garbage. But if you have a little fun or miss going to Church you get banned. Whoops I think I did write about another forum but you would never be able to guess which one.
My first computer was a Commodor 64:D Went to night school to study Basic. We had a cassette tape drive to start with and then splashed out for a hdd.

Became a User only for many years and then got re hooked with MS Databases in the 1980's.
Joined this forum when our paid support people reached their limit and I had to learn myself if we were to get more from our database.

This Forum has never let me down. Wasn't always easy but whenever it got too hard, help wasn't far away.:)

I have relied on a good Linux Forum and Scripting Forum and a great Volvo Forum but this and Volvo are my main www resource.

Leave Facebook and the like to others.:p
I had an amiga 1200 (God I loved that computer - heart broken when it died) it was at the time years ahead of the IBM PC and windows, I went to the local computer shop and bought 1 meg of RAM for an expension/accelerator card I had got mail order, it cost £100, the guy gave me a 4 meg stick by mistake :rolleyes: - I still feel guilty for not returning it and pointing out his mistake, it should have been £400. This was as the original pentium PC was coming out to give you an idea of how long ago.

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