Sorting Problem

Local time
Today, 11:10
Mar 23, 2022
Hi friends,

I have upload a sample database with query named as "Winner"

While sorting the timing of the race, the timing of the athlete who did not finished the race (Absent, Disqualified and Did Not Finished) appear in the top of the table.

I want to sort the timing in ascending order but at the same time the above athletes who did not finished the race should appear at the bottom.


You could give them a default time that would put them at the bottom. Can you post the SQL statement of your query?
Calculate a field to use in ORDER BY.

Since Remarks only has comment for DNF records, consider:

ORDER BY IIf([Remarks]="","A","Z"), HeatsScore

I don't allow empty string in text fields but you do and apparently the blanks are empty string not Null.

or suggestion by CJ_London in next post.
Last edited:
Include a calculated field in your query


then sort on that before sorting on timing

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