Text with Borders on Report


Local time
Today, 11:17
Jul 25, 2020

I require multiple descriptions to print on a report and that or not limited is there any way to achieve this task from one text box to enter all descriptions in one text box line by line and it will print on the report with borders each line separately? instead, I create multiple textboxes for the descriptions on the form and then save them into separate records in columns, and then show the text on report text boxes. descriptions are not limited so i want to achieve this by any other way any suggestions please.

here is the sample. i want to enter multiple lines on the form and then print on report with a border on each line. My text boxes are unbound

Maybe you could try using a subreport?
You are far better off if you normalize the schema and store the descriptions in a child table. That way, you use a subform/subreport and the formatting is handled without VBA.

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