The real J D Vance (1 Viewer)

You consider that news?
No. You did. I just pointed out that a clip like this doesn't prove anything since it starts in the middle of an encounter and you don't know what went before unless you happen to find a different clip of the encounter.
No. You did. I just pointed out that a clip like this doesn't prove anything since it starts in the middle of an encounter and you don't know what went before unless you happen to find a different clip of the encounter.
No, I just asked if he was normal. No mention of "news" Not hard to figure out what it was about. Someone said something about trump appearing in front of the DC church with the bible was a photo-op. He's just responding in a typical Maga/QAnon manner.
The dude is wearing a Qanon tee-shirt while screaming. It reminds me of Gays for Gaza or as Bebe says chickens for KFC. 🐔
Here's a funny statistic

Although there’s no proof that Vance has had any erotic encounters with upholstered furniture, Business Insider reported that “Over the past week, for every seven people searching Google for ‘JD Vance,’ one person has searched ‘JD Vance couch,’ according to Google Trends.”
You are hopelessly blind and for some reason feel the need to sit in judgement of others. There is no point to talking with you. I have far better things to do.
You literally made those statements, how is that judging?
I repeat - There is no point to talking with you. I have far better things to do.
I think liberals have mis calculated both the 'weird' and the 'Vance is not who he says he is', because Weird is the mantra of the younger generation, the weirder you can be the better (certainly millenials and gen x grew up under that as a general guideline about being cool), and as far as Vance not being who he says he is, if he's friends with transgenders and hates police, or ever did, that's bound to pick up a few extra votes. Keep it coming, I've never met a conservative yet who is bothered by what others think of their being conservative and doubt I will.

It's usually liberals whose conscience is bound to the waves of fashion and worry terribly about how they are perceived, hence virtue signaling and all sorts of clownish displays of pandering.

Like when Pelosi and Shumer draped themselves with leopard sheets and bowed down to [something?] on the capitol steps, Because Floyd.
It's all leftwing projection, as usual. They call Vance weird because their side is constantly doing things like being naked in front of minors stealing from department stores, causing them to close down, or waving Hamas flags. They try to distract us by using smoke and mirrors but we all see what's happening. 🤡 world.
Haha sounds like kamala, better but the left has a lot of catching up when it comes to memes

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